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Not spending as much time with Rem as I used to seemed to make the semester drag. On Thanksgiving, her mom & grandma flew here, and I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I would've liked.

Christmas was a little more optimistic though, she'd asked me to take her Christmas shopping. So we were currently in Walmart, looking at everything Christmas related they had.

"Okay I got a secret to tell you." She said with a smile, and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "What?"

"We actually Christmas shopping to celebrate becauseeee I got the internship!" she said excitedly, and I matched her energy going to give her a hug.

It had taken her a while to find one she really wanted, and they had a long-drawn-out interview process, but I was super happy for her.

"I'm so proud of you Rem, you deserve it!" I said and she smiled "Thank you Bey, that means a lot."

We finished shopping and went back to her house to set up the tree, decorate it, and do other decorations around her house. Once we finished I looked at my phone seeing I had several missed calls from my mother, Rem noticed and gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Bey, we'll catch up again soon."

I nodded and just headed home without calling my mother back. Almost as soon as I stepped through the front door my mother slapped me. She snatched both my phone and car keys from me "Go to your room!" she yelled, and I sighed, trying to let my joy from spending the day with Rem keep me going.

On Christmas eve, we, being my family—minus my sister of course, were all sitting at the table eating dinner. It was silent before my father opened his mouth to speak.

"How's school going Bey?" he asked trying to be pleasant "Good" I said flatly, leaving it at that. "Is something wrong Bey?" he asked but my mother chimed in.

"Don't mind her, she's been somber since she lost her phone and driving privileges. Then you know honey she changed her password again so I couldn't even check to see what she was doing. It's fine though, that Remady girl kept calling before I finally shut the phone off so I'm sure she's still up to her conniving ways. At this rate Beyonce you'll never gain my trust back, and poor Shawn he's still always right there trying to properly love you and—" she started but I cut her off, not being able to take anymore.

"For once in your life please just shut up!" I yelled catching them off guard "Beyonce who are you talking--" she started but I cut her off again.

"Bitch I'm talking to you, cut the shit! I just can't take this no more. I have let you run me into pure misery ever since the situation with Onyx! Every day after that I wish I would have OD'ed instead of her. Did you ever consider the fact that you were a part of the reason it was easy for me to become an addict in the first place? When I was high it was so much easier to be around you! You are an insufferable evil bitch! You try to paint this perfect family, and "protect our reputation" but reality is your youngest daughter exhausts herself with extracurricular activities and charity work just to never have to be here and deal with you! Your husband has been fucking around for who knows how long and is in a full committed relationship with his secretary! Who knows how many times he's tried to divorce your sorry ass and you manipulated him into staying? You'd be nothing without him...or this family, so all you've ever been doing this whole time is fighting to protect your livelihood. And you truly hate how miserable and pathetic your life is, so you treat everyone around you like shit, including me! Sure me liking girls isn't what's great for your image but truly I think you just cannot stand the fact that I have always been able to find people who truly love me for me. You think I give a fuck about earning your trust back and since I was 16 years old you have basically auctioned off my body to Shawn in some grand scheme to maintain your status. Constantly keeping me from pursuing my dreams or being happy yet I have tried and tried to make the most of my life, but you make it so fucking impossible! I hate you and you can burn in the deepest part of hell!" I yelled, stopping to catch my breath after the fact.

It felt good to get all that off my chest, she and my father were taken aback. My mother stood up without a word and walked off to another part of the house, eventually my father got up going after her. I thought maybe she'd come back and try to kill me, so I kept a listening ear out, but all I heard was the sound of my father yelling and the smell of smoke.

I hurried upstairs, seeing my mother looking disheveled as she screamed while throwing multiple items of mine into the fire she had started on my bed. My father tried to pull her away, but she just shoved him and started screaming in our direction. We rushed outside and soon the fire started to spread throughout the house, and eventually she came downstairs and just sat on the concrete sobbing.

I felt myself go numb in that moment, watching flames engulf our house. The fire department showed up eventually, and I just wanted to leave. My father walked me to one of his cars and gave me the keys "My card is in the armrest, buy whatever you need..." and then he walked away.

I got in and started driving to Rem's apartment complex, I stopped at a liquor store and bought an assortment of things to drink. I finished an entire bottle by the time I got there and was working on a second by the time I was knocking on her door.

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