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Remady Elise Jones

Xyon and I had gone on a dinner date to celebrate before he took me home. Beyonce had just vanished, and I was surprised to see she wasn't home when I got here. I was a little worried about her, so I waited around on the sofa until she got back.

I fell asleep sometime or another and opened my eyes to the sound of the door opening, I checked my phone seeing it was 4am. I sat up as Bey walked over to where I was.

"Bey...where you been?" I asked, suppressing my yawn.

"I went to park we like to go too...had to clear my head." She said, sitting down next to me.

"I was worried about you; you could've texted me at least." I responded and she smiled slightly, making me raise my eyebrow.

"Sorry I worried you Rem." A silence fell over us and I was about to open my mouth to ask her was she okay, but she started talking again before I could.

"I am madly in love with you Remady. I have been since freshman year of college and here we are graduating soon. I know romantically we haven't had the most ideal situation, but our friendship has meant everything to me. You have given me so much purpose in life without even trying, saving me on various occasions, and I wanna spend the rest of my life thanking you for that. I know you crave stability, and I've been the opposite of that for a long time...Xyon is great, he gives you stability...but I truly believe you're with him because you still think I can't give you stability. I can Rem, I promise I can. I'll send a goodbye message to Shawn right now and fix whatever else it is you think I need to fix, because nothing else matters to me except for you Rem. I want to love you out loud and go through life with you without fear or worry or anything else because you deserve that. I can't let you go through with this engagement without asking you for a chance to let me prove that I can be better...I can be all you want from me and more...we can have our happily ever after Rem...I promise." She said, reaching over and grabbing my hands.

I was looking at her through watery eyes as my heart had started to skip several beats. I took a deep breath, wiping my eyes before returning my attention to her.

"Okay Beyonce." I said and she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Really?" she asked, and I nodded my head yes "I'll go talk to Xyon tomorrow."

She squealed and almost tackled me in a hug making me laugh as I hugged her back. "I love you so much Rem" she mumbled into my neck "I love you so much more Beyonce." I said back.

Soon I felt her start to place kisses on my neck and work her way up to my lips "Let me show you how much I love you" she said, looking at me with eyes I couldn't say no too.

I allowed her to take me into a world of passionate love making, and the next morning we woke up in one another's arms. I decided to get up and get a jumpstart on the day, I had a busy day ahead of me. I was going to go and talk to Xyon first and then go have lunch with my mom to catch up on things.

I left Bey in bed asleep as I drove over to Xyon's, I was nervous, but it couldn't be helped. I was letting my heart lead me in what I hoped was the right direction. I was lost in thought the whole drive, and before I knew it I was at his house. I entered using the key he'd given me and met him at his kitchen island where he was making breakfast.

"Good morning fiancée" he said with a smile, I had to get this over with quickly, I assume he read my facial expression because his smile quickly faded "What's wrong?"

"Xyon...there's no easy way to say this. This relationship has been great and you're an amazing soul, you brought me so much joy. But I must admit I was only with you out of craving stability and a fear for being with the person who truly has always had my heart. I'm so sorry to have wasted so much of your time and I can fully understand if you never want to me again after this...here's your ring and your key back." I said placing the things on the counter. It was silent for a while, and I was waiting on him to yell or something, but he just walked over and gave me a hug.

"Thanks for being honest, I'd like to still be friends if it's alright with you and I wish you nothing but the best."

I smiled and returned the hug; he was such an amazing person. I was glad the hard part was over, so afterwards I went to go and meet my mom, giving her all the details. She loved the idea of Beyonce and I, she always has, so she couldn't help but be thrilled when I told her what had happened.

I felt like after graduation the next chapter of our lives would really begin, and I couldn't wait.

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