Chapter 4

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A/n- Whatever is in between /s is Maka speaking. E.x.= /No!/

Maka's POV

I couldn't keep the tears from streaming down my face as I ran down the hallways of the school. I was too late! Too goddamn late!

I slowed down my pace when I saw Liz and Patty sitting across from the door to the nurses' office. I stopped about a foot away from them as they looked up, their cheeks red and covered in tears, eyes bloodshot.

What am I supposed to say to them? That I knew all along that something just like this was going to happen? No, that's a bad idea. 

All I felt like I could do was sit there and let them cry into my shoulders as I myself cried knowing one of my friends was most likely just killed.

Soon the tears stopped falling from my eyes and the three of us were soon drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


Maka slowly opened her eyes and let out a small yawn. The halls were empty but bright. How long had she slept?

Slowly getting up, so not to wake the sisters, Maka stretched until she heard her back pop and walked over to the nurses' office. She could hear Naigus, Sid, and Stein, as well as a man's deep voice. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. Almost automatically, the voices quieted and Maka waited.

Slowly the door opened enough for her to see Sid's blue face.

"Hello, Sid. Is Lord Death in there? Last night I-" Maka was cutoff as the deep voice spoke, "Let her in Sid."

"But sir. You said-" Sid looked to what Maka assumed to be the owner of the voice, "Let her in Sid."

Sid stepped back and opened the door so Maka could come in. Her eyes automatically went to the beds and found the one in the very back was shielded by a curtain. She wanted to pull it back and see what she really wanted to see but she knew that not only would that be rude, but she wouldn't be satisfied by what she saw.

Instead. she looked to the man that she did not know. She didn't pay attention to his looks, but his golden eyes. Those were Kid's eyes.

"Hello, Maka," the man said. He stood up from his spot on the other bed and motioned for her to sit. She quickly did so and watched as he got her a glass of water.

He handed her the glass and then turned to everyone else, "If you all don't mind, I would like to talk to Maka here in private."

As soon as everyone left, the man turned backed to Maka and pulled up the rolling chair and sat down. They sat in silence as Maka sipped from the Styrofoam cup.

"Who are you?" Maka asked, breaking the silence. She set the cup down and looked at the man to see that he was smiling at her. What's he smiling about!? 

And as if he read her mind he answered, "It's because you're the first student I've shown my face to after 50 years." He sighed and looked her directly in the eyes, "I'm Lord Death."

Maka's POV

Wait, what!? He's Lord Death? But I can't see his soul, and.. and how did he know what I was thinking!? My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and really got a good look at him. He was pale like Kid with long black hair in a spiky ponytail. He had long bangs, but only on the right side and had honey gold eyes just like Kid. The only main difference was that instead of three half stripes on one side of his head, his were all around his head.

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