Chapter 6

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"Lady Arachne, it seems that the DWMA has contacted the Dragon Witch. How do you suggest we go about this?"

"Hmm. By the time they get her back to the school, the boy will be long gone. Mosquito, another drink," Mosquito climbed the ladder and poured Arachne a drink and awaited her instructions.

"Let's make sure that bitch doesn't make it out of Japan alive," Arachne then continued to tell Mosquito her plan while over at the DWMA, Maka and the gang were packing their bags for the trip.

"Soul! Hurry up, we're going to be late meeting up with everyone else!" Maka yelled setting her suitcases in front of the door.

"Yeah yeah. I'm coming," Soul slowly made his way to the door carrying his red suitcase and a black book bag. Maka sighed and opened the door for him. Soul paused and picked up Maka's two green suitcases and walked out towards the taxi.
Japan. I haven't been there since I went on a trip there with Mama. Maka took a quick look around the apartment, shut off the lights, and locked the door before getting into the taxi.


Airport, Maka's POV

The airport was full of people coming and leaving Nevada. I walked a few feet behind everyone else to avoid having to talk about the whole ordeal we're in. Everyone seems to be in a different mood. Some of us are anxious or sad. Some of us were excited to be going to Japan, but overall, there was a downcast mood to everything.

When we got through security, we had some time to relax. I sat down next to Soul and started to play with my pigtails. "So exactly how does our flight/trip stuff work," Liz asked breaking the awkward silence that had fallen upon the group.

Everyone looked towards me. I dropped my hair and reached into Soul's book bag. "Well. Our flight leaves Nevada at around 6:30 A.M. and lands in Seattle, WA. From there, we'll get on a 10 and a half hour flight to an airport in/near Tokyo." I took out a bottle of water and took a sip.

They nodded their heads and let the silence set in again. I looked to the clock and sighed once more. It was 4 in the morning. We would have to wait almost three hours until people would start to board the plane. I didn't sleep at all last night and it seemed that Soul saw that from the look on my face, "You should try to take a nap. I'll wake you when it's time to board."

I looked at him. I nodded my head and walked over to the couch in the lounge. I lied down and let sleep take me.


Kid's POV

Why does my head hurt so much?  I rubbed my head and slowly sat up. Opening my eyes and looking around me, I found myself lying in a bed in what seemed to be silk pajamas. Where am I?  

I'm supposed to be in Africa with Liz and Patty. Liz and Patty!? I looked around the room as my hands started to sweat. Just then a door to my right opened and a girl about my age walked in. She was wearing a long, elegant pink dress, and has long blonde hair, her eyes were the same color as her hair. She stared at me and all I felt like I could do was match her stare.

"You're finally awake," the mystery girl spoke in a soft voice. "My mother thought you would never see the light of day ever again." She walked over to a table next to the bed and grabbed a cloth out of bowl of water.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she climbed onto the bed and neared me, "I'm cleaning your forehead. It's bleeding again. Did you touch it?"

I looked at my hand and saw blood. I flinched as a cool rag was placed on my forehead. The girl lightly dabbed at the wound and after being satisfied with her work, she cleaned my hand. The whole time I stared at her. She looks so familiar.

She put the cloth back in the bowl and grabbed some bandages. As she wrapped my head, I let my mind wander.  Where am I and who is this girl. I need to find Liz and Patty and get back home.

"Are you hungry? There's breakfast in the dinning room," she looked at me with hopeful eyes. At the mention of food, my stomach grumbled. "I'll take that as a yes."

I allowed her to help me out of the bed and into a pair of soft, pink slippers. She hooked her arm around mine and headed towards the door. Outside the room, there was a long hallway with doors on one side and windows on the other. We took a left and continued forward until we reached stairs leading into what I believe to be the entryway. As we got to the foot of the stairs, a younger girl ran around the corner and almost ran into me.

"Watch where you're going!" the older one said. The younger girl looked up at me and back to the older girl and spoke, "Sorwy. I didin mean to Missy." The girl had to be at least five, with long pink, purple, and bluish hair in a braid. Her eyes were big and looked like the yin and yang sign but in different colors.

"Go help mom set the table," Missy replied and led me into what appeared to be the dinning room the younger girl followed and then ran off through another door. "Here, sit." Missy helped me into a seat and the looked to the door. "Mother will be finished with breakfast soon. I'll be right back." Missy left me by myself in the dinning room.

After a few minutes, a woman walked out of the kitchen with the young girl and looked at me as she set the table. "Seems like you've woken up. Help yourself. The girls don't eat much." I watched as she went to the entryway and called out something in a different language. Soon Missy and an older girl walked into the room and sat down next to the younger of the three.

"Yay! Missy and Ara are here!" The younger girl clapped her hands together.

The oldest, Ara, scowled, "Don't  you ever call me by the name that you gave me. Stupid girl. My name is Arachne and you will call me that. You understand!" I looked at the them in shock.

Arachne!? What? What kind of sick dream is this?!? "You look pale boy, are you alright?" the mother asked me. I tried to speak but I couldn't. "I should probably introduce myself. I am Lady Elizabeth Gorgon and these are my three daughters. Arachne, Medusa, and Shaula."

"And we welcome you to our home."

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back from my little vacation. Wow, 50 views. You guys don't know how happy that makes me considering this is my first story. Thanks guys and feel free to comment and vote!



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