Chapter 18

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"Don't do anything stupid while you still have these casts on okay, Soul." Liz sat down next to Soul and helped him take a sip of water. "Why aren't you out looking with Patty?"

Liz set the cup down, "No one's looking. It's been a long day and we have three of the seven spirits. And we still have a good amount of time left to find the others. Considering what happened to you, we all should rest so we can be at the top of our games."

"Yeah I guess your right. Has Maka come back yet?" Liz stood and walked over to the door, "I know you're worried Soul but you need to rest. Lord Death promised to tell you when she got back."

Soul sighed as he heard the door shut.


"Looks like we're back," Maka sat up from her place on the bed and turned to her right. Kid was standing next to her waiting to be led back to his body.

Maka hopped off the bed and made her way through the Death Room. She stopped when she noticed Lord Death standing cross-armed in front of his mirror.

"Father?" Death turned and looked at the pair and smiled, "Well, it seems you pop up everytime time I'm not in my cloak, Maka. And you've brought home a Kid."

Maka laughed and looked to Kid, "Took awhile to convince him to come back, but I managed."

Kid blushed and turned away, "I'm gonna go back to my body now, okay.." He floated away as Maka and Death laughed. "So how did you convince him? Kid's stubborn." Maka looked away from him, "It's a long story..."

"Well, I bet you're tired. You should go see Soul first. He should be in the nurse's office." Maka nodded.

"Thanks Lord Death!" Maka ran out of the Death Room and made her way the the Nurse's. She knocked on the door before entering and was surprised to see it empty. "Soul?" Maka then noticed the bed in the back covered by curtains.


Maka's POV

I shouldn't. But I... I need to see him.

I walked over to the back bed and raised my hand to push back the curtains. and there he was, covered in bruises and bite marks, eyes bulging and white. I put a hand to my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

"Oh Kid." Tears started to form.

"Maka! What are you doing in here!?" I spun around to find my mother and Mai, "Mama!" I ran over to her and started to cry in her arms. "He looks like he's in so much pain," I managed to say between sobs. She rubbed my back and tried to calm me down. Telling me that he's fine and that he'll get better. That there was no reason to worry. I cried and cried until I fell to sleep in her arms.


Liz's POV

"A new day means the start of a new search!" Patty exclaimed as her and I walked down the street. Soul decided to come with us to try and find the spirit of friendship, since Maka was asleep and, well, he was bored because he couldn't do anything with two broken arms.

"So tell me where we're looking for Kid?" Soul asked looking around as people and cars passed by, "We're looking for the alley that Patty and I attacked Kid in. It was kinda the place where we started our new found friendship."

He shook his head and started to look in the alleyways on the other side of the street while Patty and I looked in the other ones.

"Hey guys, I think I found him!" As soon as we heard Soul, we raced into the alley, "This definitely looks familiar." Soul waved us over.

Patty and I looked around the corner with Soul and saw a hovering Kid watching the people in the alley walk past him. "How do we approach him?" I asked looking up to Soul. 

"Well- Hey! Patty!" Soul and I watched as Patty walked straight towards Kid. "Come on," I tugged Soul by the jacket and walked to where Patty was standing.

"Are you two having a staring contest at a time like this?!" Soul groaned from his place behind me. "Hi Kiddo!" Patty giggled and grabbed his hand, "Ready to go back to your body so we can go fight some evil bastards together!"

"Patty that's not goin-" I watched as he smiled and shook his head. Patty giggled again and started to lead Kid out of the alley.

"What the actual fuck," Soul facepalmed, "She makes it look so easy!"

"That's Patty for ya.."


"Good job guys, that makes five out of seven. BlackStar and Tsubaki are bringing back the spirit of anger. They somehow managed to negotiate him into coming back. In the meantime, you three should go and try to find the spirit of love."

"So where are we supposed to look?" Soul asked as he attempted to scratch his hand, "Eloise went out looking around and found him sticking around a restaurant that's pretty well known. It's called 'The Red Flower'. If you ask me it's kinda cheesy, but it's supposed to be super romantic and over the top."

"If it's so over the top, how're we supposed to get in there?" Liz put her hands on her hips. "With this. Lord Death wrote it up saying you guys have an important reason to be there and what not." Mai handed the three a slip of paper.

"Alright, let's get going!"


"This place is fucking HUGE!" Soul said as he walked into the restaurant. "Yeah, now let's grab Kid and get going! I got a text from Mai, and she says that BlackStar and Tsubaki are back and that means this spirit is the last one!"

Soul nodded and the three split up to search the quiet restaurant. After some searching, Liz and Patty met up again, "I thought he was supposed to be here?" Liz sighed looking at her sister.

"Where's Soul?" Patty looked around with Liz by her side doing the same, "There he is! Soul!" The two ran over to where Soul was standing in an open doorway, "I think I found him.." Soul turned to look at the sisters with confusion plastered across his face, "And I don't know about you two, but he looks intoxicated..."

Liz and Patty looked past Soul and through the doorway, "I've seen drunk people before and there is no doubt in my mind right now that he somehow managed to get himself drunk." Liz sighed. She walked over to Kid slowly.

"Hey Kid. We've come to take you home," Soul walked up behind Liz and watched as the spirit stared at them. After a few minutes, Soul leaned over to Liz, "I can't tell if he's deaf or just too drunk to understand us."

Patty giggled and looked over her sister's shoulder, "I think Kiddo fell asleep!" Liz and Soul sighed, "I'll get his arms, Patty, you get his legs.

"Okay!!" Liz and Patty carried Kid to the front of the restaurant, "There is no way I'm carrying him all the way back up to the nurse's office," Liz walked over to the window and dialed '42-42-564' and told Lord Death about their situation, who in turn said he would send Spirit down to bring Kid back up.

A little while later, Spirit, BlackStar, and Tsubaki appeared down the street. "You guys did a great job, I'll take Kid back to the nurse." Spirit left with a drunk and unconscious Kid on his back, leaving the group alone.

"So this means Kid is going to get back to his normal self now, right?" BlackStar asked looking on at the sunset, "As long as Mai is able to do her ritual thing to bring the spirits back together, then yes, he'll be back to normal in no time." Liz smiled at the thought.

"Then we should celebrate!" Tsubaki said turning to the group, "With dinner."
BlackStar and Patty lit up, "FOOD!!!!!"

Everyone laughed and started on their way home.

A/N: Sorry i haven't updated in like, a month. I just got really busy and then I had a huge writer's block, but I managed to write another chapter for you guys! But it's not done just yet!

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