Chapter 9

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Maka's POV

We walked up the path until we reached the cabin. Well. It was more of a designer's getaway to be completely honest. We stood a few feet away looking from one-another, mentally asking who would knock on the door. I give up.

 I walked to the door and knocked. I heard noises from inside the "cabin" so i waited until none other than my mother opened the door. She looked just about as shocked as I did. I mean, her daughter shows up out of nowhere knocking on your door.

"Maka. Is that really you..." Tears of joy were already running down my cheeks, "Mama!"

The rest of the group looked on as my mother and I had a quick mother/daughter hug fest. She pulled away and cupped my face, "Look how much you've grown."

Mama looked back at my friends, "Lord Death sent you didn't he. Well, come in, come in." Mama stepped aside and motioned for everyone to come inside.

Soul's POV

Maka's mother guided us into a cozy living room and served us drinks. "I can see where Maka gets her looks," Tsubaki spoke for all of us. Maka is the splitting image of her mother.

"Yeah, the only differences between them is that Maka's mom has longer hair and she isn't flat chested like Maka!"

"MAKA-CHOP!!!!!" We all laughed as BlackStar was hit in the head with a thick book by Maka. Maka sat back down with a red face.

Maka's POV

"MAKA-CHOP!!!!!" Everyone laughed as I hit BlackStar in the head. I felt my face go red as I sat down next to Mama.

"So Mama, you saw the Dragon Witch recently, right?" I asked her, the blush going away as I changed the topic to something more important.

"Yes, that's correct. I've been in Japan for the past week now and I've felt the dragons shifting in the mountain so I figured it had to do something with the Dragon Witch. So I went out to her home to check to see if she was alright considering she's an ally of the DWMA." Mama leaned back and stretched her arms.

Just then a door slammed upstairs and a young boy came racing down the stairs and went straight into the kitchen. "It looks like he's up!"

"Mama, who was that?" I kept my eyes on the door that led into the kitchen as noises came from inside. "Oh, well that little guy there is Death the Kid's spirit. Well, at least one of them. Found him when I went to check on the witch. He decided to follow me home."

"KID"S SPIRIT!!!" we all yelled in unison. "What do you mean his spirit?"

"Kid is currently in an unconscious, spiritless state. The poison from the spiders pushed out Kid's soul and split it into many different pieces. The spirit of Kid that you just saw is the spirit that represents his childhood, childishness, and humor. To cure Kid would mean to find all his separate spirits, and merge them back into his body. This is very ancient and deadly magic that is hard to reverse due to the fact that there is a time that the spirits have to be placed back into Kid's body."

Everyone turned to look at a woman who walked down the stairs. She had long black hair and bright red eyes. She looked about Mama's age but looks can be deceiving. She wore a tank top and skinny jeans, along with a belt with different things attached to it. The woman had multiple tattoos of dragons all over her body.

"Kids, this is the Dragon Witch, Mai. Because Kid's child spirit would keep coming back to me, she decided to stay here hoping that I could help her get to the DWMA if no one came looking near Mount Fuji," Mai walked over and bowed to us and sat down on a lone chair. "I know you all just got here, but we must move quickly."

"Arachne has figured out that Lord Death has contacted me and I have a feeling that she has already set a plan into motion. Plus, to save the reaper boy, we must find all his spirits in a matter of days. Weeks at most, and it's not as easy as it sounds."

"So if we want to save Kid, we need to leave now and go find the spirits?" Soul asked looking a bit confused. "Yes. We must act like everyday is the day he will die. There will be no wasting time during the next few days. Act as though everyone is the enemy and always be on the lookout."

We looked at each other and nodded, "So how many spirits are there, exactly?" I asked.

Kid's child spirit ran into the room and hoped onto the couch next to me and stared at me with huge golden eyes, and a big smile. He then sat on my lap and started to eat a banana that he got from the kitchen. I laughed and blushed at the same time. He's so adorable!

 "There are seven spirits in all. We have two. The spirit of childhood, and the spirit that decided to stay inside Kid's body. One out of the seven spirits stay in the body, which allows people to determine how much time until the person dies. I was able to summon one of Kid's spirits using magic but it didn't work out well. It angered him so it's a very bad idea to summon them to you."

"Okay so that means we have two out of seven spirits. Where do we find the other spirits?" We all looked to the witch. "First I need to know which spirit is inside Kid's body, that will give me a bit of an idea. In the meantime, we need to prepare to head off to the DWMA."

We all nodded, ready to get the show on the road.

A/N: Yeah! This chapter felt like it took me forever to write!

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