Chapter 1

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Maka flew out of bed. Panting and covered in sweat, she looked around the room to make sure her life wasn't some kind of alternate reality. She sighed and looked to the clock.

It read 6:44 A.M. It was still a bit early, but Maka decided to get up anyway. The apartment was dark and silent. Everything was untouched and unmoved. Except for the lump on the couch.

Maka sighed and walked over into the living area. Soul... You idiot. Maka thought.

She grabbed a blanket from his room and covered him up. After that she sat at the small kitchen table and drank warm tea, trying to remember her dream.

All she really could remember was that there was a red dot, and for some reason she thought. No she knew, that it was dangerous. Or was it all just a dream?




"FOOD!!" yelled Patty and BlackStar. They raced out the door before anyone could say a word of protest, but Tsubaki inwardly sighed.

"Those two are just made for each other," Liz looked on in amusement,"Right Maka?"

"Huh... Uh.. yeah. Made for each other." Liz turned to look at Maka as Kid, Soul, and Tsubaki made there way after BlackStar and Patty.

"Is something on your mind Maka. You look kinda.. I dunno know. Worried?" Liz looked at her friend with concern. Maka looked at Liz and sighed. If she was going to tell someone, it might as well be one of her friends.

"Well.. I had this dream last night. It was so... weird and.. and I don't even remember what it was about, but it was like.. like a type of warning. Or something like that. And it's freaking me out," Maka looked at her hands, tears filling her eyes.

Liz nodded, contemplated what to say next, and took Maka's hands,"I bet it's just some crazy dream that you had. Nothing more. Nothing less. But if you really think it's a warning, then you should probably talk to Lord Death. He'll know what to do."

Maka looked up and dried her eyes. Liz was right. It was probably just some silly dream. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Liz."



The lunch room was already bustling by the time Maka and Liz got their food. Patty and BlackStar had their trays piled high and were chowing down on what seemed to be every type of food imaginable. Tsubaki had brought a homemade lunch and Soul settled on a salad while Kid was nowhere to be found.

"Hey! What took you guys so long?" Soul gave them a questioning look as they sat down. "We were talking. That's all," Liz said before Maka had to come up with some kind of lame excuse. Liz looked at her sister and shook her head. Tsubaki said nothing about the vague answer and continued to eat and scold BlackStar about his manners.

Maka ate her lunch quietly while she thought about the dream. She just couldn't get it out of her head! It's just a dream Maka. Pull yourself together! You don't even remember what it's about!

And that's how the rest of the day went. Maka just kept thinking about the strange dream and nothing else. Maybe she should talk to Lord Death......


A/N: Yeah! first chapter done! Now to write another....... ;-; It's worth it.





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