Chapter 11

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Soul's POV

Everyone was asleep on the plane ride to Seattle. I wasn't of course. A lot of things had happened in a short amount of time and it's hard to take it all in.

I looked at Maka who was sleeping next to me. In her lap sat Kid's child spirit. I had to admit, it was kinda cute how tiny Kid used to be, but I could say that about any of us. 

"You should get some sleep," I looked over at Mai who sat with Maka's mother across from me. "It's been a long day full of excitement, and you deserve the rest."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just worried, that's all" Mai sighed, "There's a lot to be worried about. But sometimes you need to forget about it all and relax. Even if you don't want to, you need to."

"You're pretty smart. For someone who's supposed to be older than Lord Death!" We laughed for a little while, "Sleep kid. You really need it."

She's right, Soul. Sleep.


It took the group about 2 to 4 days to go to Japan and back to Nevada. Lord Death was waiting in the Death Room to greet them.

Maka's POV

As tired as we all were, we had to talk in person with Lord Death about what would happen next. Kid's child spirit automatically recognized his father when we entered the room and ran straight to him and jumped into his arms.

"Well I see that you do have yourselves a child version of Kiddo!" Lord Death cuddled Kid in his arms and motioned for everyone to take a seat.

"So, Eloise. You were the one staying in the cabin, huh." Mama nodded her head and looked at Lord Death. "Sorry about the weird noises and picture, I didn't have a decent connection out there."

Lord Death nodded, "And it's good to see you again, Mai."

"Same to you Lord Death."

"So Kiddo's been split into seven different spirits and we have to retrieve all of them in a certain time limit to save him. It sounds easy but I'm guessing it's complicated?" Mai nodded and took out a folder from her bag that she brought with her.

"As we have said, there are seven spirits that can be located absolutely anywhere. But, each spirit tends to go hang around places were they feel 'best suited' for their personality. I don't know exactly were Kid's child spirit was originally located, but that doesn't really matter now that he has agreed to stay with us."

"So where exactly can we find the rest of his spirits?" BlackStar asked. He looked at Mai with a bored expression.

"It all depends on which spirit you're looking for, but first you need to know what each spirit represents," I hid a yawn and continued to listen. Mai took seven pictures out of the folder. As she told us about each spirit, she set down a different photo of Kid.

"There is the Spirit of childhood, childishness, and humor. Spirit of love, Spirit of the past, and Spirit of depression, sadness, and loneliness. Along with the Spirit of pain, hurt, and evil. Spirit of friendship and Spirit of the future. All very tricky to find and convince to come back to the DWMA."

We all stared at the different pictures of Kid. How are we going to find and convince 5 different Kid's into coming back home to the DWMA in a certain time limit?!?  "What about that time limit you told us about?"

"The time limit. Ah, yes. I took a quick look at Kid before I came to the Death Room and I found out the Spirit of the past is still inside of Kid, which means we have almost a whole month left to try and round up the rest of the spirits."

We all sighed at hearing the news, "So when and where do we start lookin' for these damn spirits!?" BlackStar leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah! I'm ready to go hunting! Ha ha," Patty jumped up and down giggling and ready to start working.

"Well. The easiest way to find five spirits in a month, would be to split up and look. I'll have to stay behind and try to heal Kid's physical state. Eloise will also be staying to look after Kid's child spirit so Lord Death can work. To decide who goes after which spirit, we'll draw sticks, there will be two sticks left over in the end."

We nodded our heads and drew our sticks. Soul and I would be going after the Spirit of the future. BlackStar and Tsubaki got the Spirit of depression, sadness, and loneliness, while Liz and Patty had the Spirit of friendship.

"OK. Now that you've got your spirits, I'll tell you where to look. Soul and Maka, I'm going to use my magic to transport you into the future where you will most likely find the spirit. No one will be able to see, touch, hear, or feel you but the spirit. BlackStar and Tsubaki, you'll need to look everywhere around Death City to find your spirit. Kid's lived here his whole life so he probably goes somewhere private to think about things or just to be alone. Liz and Patty, you'll need to look places where you all met Kid as well as places where you did memorable things together. Everyone understand?"

I gave her a quick nod of my head, "And remember everyone, only you guys will be able to see and touch Kid's spirit's."

"Why's that?" Liz asked. Mai smiled, "It's because you are clearly very close to Kid, or you wouldn't be able to see Kid's child spirit. I can see him because I'm a witch, while Eloise can she him because Kid knows her from his past as a child."

"Mama? Kid knows you from the past?" Mama nodded and looked at me, "When you were a little baby, I used to watch Kid for Lord Death. You both were too young to remember each other, but I guess for some strange reason, he remembers me."

"Well, enough chitchat, BlackStar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, get started on looking," Mai gave the two groups a folder each with a picture and description of the spirit they were looking for. She handed me one and looked at the two of us.

"It can be dangerous to go into the future so, I'll have to warn you. The future you're about to see is the future that Kid, and only Kid wants to happen. Some of it can come true, and it's even possible it all will come true. But you need to be careful of how you treat this spirit in particular. He's one of the hardest of the spirits  to get to return, because he's living his own paradise right now. Understand?"

Soul looked worried yet I was determined to save Kid, "Understood."

"Alright I need you two to lie down flat on the beds behind you," we turned around to see Lord Death, Mama, and Kid standing next to two twin sized beds. We walked over and lied down.

"Now, to make sure you both end up in the same place, hold hands and close your eyes." I took a hold of Soul's left hand and closed my eyes. I felt what I assumed to be Mai's hands enclose my hand that was holding onto Soul's.

"Now I want you to relax and picture that everything is black and you're the only ones in that black. When I say to open your eyes, open them, OK."

I pictured Soul and me in blackness. I felt as though a breeze of fresh air blew over me.


A/N: Time to start hunting spirits!

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