Chapter 8

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Maka's POV

Liz managed to rent us a cheap car by the time we all got our things and ate a quick meal. Tsubaki is currently driving us to a cabin near Mount Fuji. Liz, Patty, and Soul, who were all squished in the back seat, were dong their own things while BlackStar, who was forced to sit in the back with the rest of the luggage, was complaining about the bumpy ride.

I sighed and looked back to Liz, "Do you have that small mirror Lord Death gave us. I want to tell him we're nearing the cabin." Liz looked up from her magazine and reached into her purse and pulled out a circular mirror, "Thanks."

"No prob," Liz went back to her magazine. I fogged up the mirror did the regular routine to call Death.

"Hello, Lord Death. Maka here," I watched as Lord Death's mask appeared on the mirror.

"Hello, hello. How's it going?" he asked in his comical voice, as always. "We're in Japan and headed towards the cabin. I was wondering if you could tell me why you're sending us there?" Everyone went quiet as Lord Death spoke.

"Yes, well. The 1st reason why I'm sending you to the cabin is because the last time the witch was spotted was by the woman staying in that particular cabin. I've tried to figure out who she is but I haven't gotten any leads so far. The other reason why I'm sending you there is because the Dragon Witch lives near Mount Fuji so she might have gone back into hiding. If you can't get anything from the woman, you can go check her home! It's kinda like hitting two birds with one stone!" Lord Death clapped his hands together, "Well I'm glad you are all safe and sound! Report back if you figure anything out."

With a quick nod of my head and a smile, Lord Death was gone. My smile faded away and went into the now normal to me, frown. 

The drive didn't feel short, but it didn't seem long either. BlackStar hopped out of the back just as the rest of us got to a path leading to a cabin. "You guys ready?" Everyone nodded and we started up the path.


Kid'd POV

"A-Arachne... Medusa... As in the witch Arachne and Medusa," I stared at all of them in shock. The younger Medusa chuckled at me, "Of course silly. Are you telling me you forgot who we are?" She looked towards her mother who just shrugged, "He could have a bit of amnesia."

"I-I really don't remember you," I was at a lose for words. These are younger versions of Medusa and Arachne?! But how? And why? Medusa looked at me with concern, "How about you eat something and then I'll tell you everything you need to know!"

What to do, what to do! "Uh.. s-sure. That s-sounds like a wonderful idea." The words came out quickly and awkwardly but they seem to work, because Medusa nodded joyfully, something I'd never imagine her doing in a lifetime.

I looked at all the food that was placed on the table. It could be poisoned. I pushed that thought out of my head and let hunger get the better of me.

The food was amazing. I swore I've never eaten so much food at one meal. This must be how BlackStar feels and eats. I sweatdropped at the thought of BlackStar and his eating habits. 

I was currently walking with Medusa outside in a well-kept garden. The sun was out and the lake to my left was glistening. It was actually quite beautiful to say the least. Medusa sighed, "It's beautiful isn't it. I still can't believe it's soon going to be all Arachnes's, along with you of course," I looked at her with confusion.

"Wait, what?" Medusa looked up at me, "Oh yes, I almost forgot about your amnesia. Well, your name Roderich Death, you're a grim reaper and you are half a year younger than my older sister Arachne."

Roderich. Who the fucking hell is Roderich!? I nodded my head and acted like I remembered who I was, "Because Arachne is the eldest, she inherits my father's mansion, the one we're currently at."

"Why is she inheriting the mansion, she's still young." She's still young, right?  

"Well our father recently died and it's also a common tradition for witches and reapers to marry at a young age. So my mother went out and arranged for you and my sister to be engaged!" Medusa smiled up at me. I smiled back at her but I was screaming on the inside.

"You and Arachne have been dating for a long time now, and it's only natural that you two get married," I nodded as I looked at the lake. "There you two are. I've been looking for you Roderich," Arachne stepped up beside me. Medusa looked at me one more time then left.

"Are you feeling any better? You look pale," Arachne ran her hand through my hair.

"I'm- I.." I fell to the ground without caring where I landed. I felt sick to my stomach.

                                                  This can't be happening to me.....

A/N: :> So.. Lol. A mystery cabin, Roderich Death, and Kiddo's wonderful acting............. I'm so done with my mind right now. Well, onto the next chapter!

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