Chapter 16

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"Whoa! So this is the future," Soul looked around and found himself with Maka inside Death City. "It doesn't look all that different though."

"You're right. We should start looking," Maka looked to Soul. "But where? The city's so big!"

"Let's start with the places that Kid knows best, like our house, his house, the DWMA...." Soul shook his head, "Let's go!"

Maka's POV

We made our way to our apartment. Outside the door, we saw boxes and bags that we're labeled 'Maka'.

"I wonder if you're moving out or something," Soul commented. We watched on as an older version of Soul walked out and sat another box down. "Is that me? I look so cool."

Maka hit him on the shoulder and continued to watch. A black Toyota Camry pulled up. Kid stepped out of the car and shut his door. "Yo!" Soul called out to Kid who waved in return. "Maka's inside getting the rest of her stuff. You wanna help me get this stuff in your car?"

"Sure." Kid opened the back of the car and the started to help Soul load boxes, "What's going on? Why are you two packing my stuff up?" Maka watched on as everything was loaded up.

"Maybe Kid wants you to move away in the future? I don't know." Maka's older self came out of the apartment and handed Kid her stuff and turned to Soul. While Kid put the stuff in the back seat, Maka and Soul hugged each other.

"Don't die, ok?" Maka said breaking the hug, "Cool guys like me don't die easily." Maka laughed. Kid gave Soul a quick 'bro hug' and then helped Maka into the car. 

As Kid drove off, Soul waved to them. After they were gone he went back into the apartment. "Do you think we should follow the other you?"

"Yeah. That's sounds like a good idea, but where do you think they're going?" Maka asked. Soul went silent, "Well I bet at one point he's going to go back to his house..."


Maka's POV

We ran towards Kid's manor, taking a few quick breaks here and there, but managed to get there in decent time. Soul and I noticed that Kid's car was in the driveway and the trunk was open. The future me was unloading the boxes with the help of Kid.

I could tell they were talking, but I wasn't close enough to tell what about. Soul and I, despite knowing that no one could see or hear us, kept our distance. "Any idea what's going on yet?" I asked quietly.

"I think you're moving' into his place...." Soul looked at me and smirked, "Didn't that Mai chick say that this is the future that Kid, and only Kid wants?~"

It took me a few moments to understand what he was implying, but when I got the hint, I blushed furiously. Soul laughed at me at then stood and helped me up, "I bet Kid's spirit is in there somewhere. Let's get this lovey-dovey show on the road."

I nodded my head and started to walk towards the house. It all looked the same. We slipped into the house just as Kid shut the door. We followed them up the stairs and into a bedroom. Guessing by the symmetry, it was Kid's.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" Kid asked me, "I think I'll be fine."

"Okay. I'll be down in the kitchen making lunch." I nodded my head as he left. "I'll keep an eye on Kid, you stay with... stay with yourself, OK," Soul left me to watch myself unpack.

Me and Kid...... My thoughts were interrupted when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw a door leading into a closet. The future me walked into the closet with clothes on hangers.

I followed me and watched as I put clothes up with Kid's own. "Hello there." I turned around when I heard a familiar voice, "Kid!" I saw a normal looking Kid looking at me while floating in a sitting position.

"That's my name. Now what are you doing here in my future, Maka dear?" I blushed when he called me 'dear', but I brushed it aside, "Soul and I've come to take you back to your body."

Kid frowned at me and sighed, "What if I don't want to go back to my body. I mean, I'm in paradise here! Everything I want in life comes true!" He laughed as he made a drink appear and took a sip.

"But Kid, the only way this future can come true is if you come back to your body! Can't you see that this is just your imagination!?" This version of Kid is pretty stuck up.

"Are you being serious!? This future will never happen! This is, as you already know, my imagination. And the whole reason it's my imagination is because it's all fake Maka! Fake!"

"But you can still try and make it real!" Soul ran into the room, "I heard you yelling!"

"Look who decided to show up!" I yelled at him, "Sorry! Kid was making food... I didn't eat lunch okay.." Both Kid and I sweatdropped and continued.

"As I've already said, I prefer this place over reality. A lot of people do, but most can't find their way here. So if you want me to come back, well, it's just not happening." Kid crossed his arms and floated out of the manor via an open window.

"Let's go before he get's away, Maka!" I nodded as Soul transformed into a scythe. I ran out the bedroom and through the front door, "What happened to Death City?"

The sky was the color of blood and there wasn't a sun. The ground was flat and black. Kid was floating in the air humming a song while drinking his drink from earlier.

"You two just won't give up will you. That's what I like about you Maka. Your persistence." Kid twirled the cup on his fingertips (It's a wine glass. Just an FYI), "But I'm not going back!"

A concrete hand burst out of the ground and tried to squish me, but I managed to move out of the way. I jumped onto the hand and used it to jump closer to Kid. I swung Soul at him and attempted to cut him.

I landed on the ground and turned around just as Kid attacked me. I blocked his own scythe, that looked just like my father, with Soul, "You think you can win against me? That's just too cute to be TRUE!"

Kid swung his scythe at my head. I ducked and counterattacked him with Soul, "We need to use Devil-Hunt* Maka!" I shook my head.

"Let's do this!"

*Devil-Hunt Slash is also known as Demon Hunt or Genie Hunter. It erases evil.

A/N: The fight between a spoiled future Kid and partners, Soul and Maka, has begun!

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