Chapter 15

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A/N: READ THIS!!! This contains a spoiler from the manga about Asura and Kid. If you plan on reading the manga at some point, the flashback contains a spoiler! And the rest of the story kinda contains spoilers too so. Read if you wish.

Also, this chapter is full of gore.

"Yo!" Eloise looked up from her book to see the group with Kid's spirit, "We got you another Kid!" BlackStar smiled.

"Good job you guys. You need a little break from looking or you up for another spirit to track?" Liz laughed nervously, "Well. Kid's spirit of pain, hurt, and evil is supposedly on the loose looking for the person who's hurt him the most in the past..."

Eloise jumped out of her seat and dropped her book, "Is it that bad?" Tsubaki watched as Eloise called for Lord Death who was over playing with Kid's child spirit.

"Hi everyone~" Lord Death and Kid came over, "Is something wrong?" Eloise shook her head, "Tell him what you told me."

Liz told Lord Death who listened, "The person who hurt him the most?" Liz shook her head as she played with Kid, "Do you happen to know who that would be?"

"Well. There are two people who hurt Kiddo a lot. Two people I myself have come to hate," Lord Death spoke carefully, "One of them is Asura."

"Asura. You mean the kishin, Asura?" BlakcStar asked crossing his arms. "Lord Death? How did Asura hurt Kid? I didn't even know they knew each other," Liz said.

"It was a long time ago. When Kiddo and Asura were younger......."

Flashback (Provided by Lord Death himself)

"Welcome home daddy!~" a young Kid ran up and greeted his father at the door to a mansion out in the middle of a dark forest. Lord Death picked Kid up in his arms and hugged him, "Hello there Kiddo."

He set Kid down and took off his coat, "Where's your brother?" Kid looked down at his shoes. "Big brother got mad at me and locked himself in his room..."

"Well. I'll go get him to come out and have dinner!" Lord Death handed Kid a bag of Chinese food, "Can I trust my big boy to set the table for me?" Kid's face lit up. He saluted his father and ran off into the kitchen.

Lord Death chuckled to himself and made his way up the stairs and down a hallway to a door that was labeled 'Asura's Room'. He knocked a few times and waited. When he got no response, he knocked again.

The second time, he heard a muffeled, "Go away" from his older son. "Now Asura, you know I'm not going to go away, no matter how many times you tell me to."

The door opened to reveal a tween Asura. "Daddy, when's Kid going to stop be such a dufus?" Death sighed. "Asura, your brother is not a dufus, he's young. Now are you going to tell me what happened or are we going to stand here all night?"

Asura crossed his arms and looked away from his father. Lord Death mimicked him until Asura gave in, "Kid hurt me." He showed him his arm. Death rolled the sleeve up and there was a medium length cut along his forearm. "How did he do this?"

"I was, I was trying to teach him how to use a knife. For.. for protection." Asura couldn't look his father in his eyes. "You know you aren't supposed to play with knives Asura. You know better." Asura was on the verge of tears.

"Why am I always the one in trouble! I bet if Kid was playing with the knives, I would still be in trouble!" Asura slammed the door in Lord Death's face and locked it.

Death sighed and went downstairs and into the kitchen where Kid was waiting for him. "Did you and Asura mess with knives while I was gone?" Kid shook his head and looked up at his father with big eyes. "Don't ever do that again, you understand Kiddo?"

He nodded his head again. "Ok. How 'bout we eat before everything gets cold."

 Later that night (Midnight)

The floorboards silently groaned as Asura made his way towards Kid's room. The blade in his hand was heavy and sharp, perfect for cutting. He opened the door slowly, so not to wake his brother. In his other hand was a cloth rag, to make sure Kid didn't wake Father. 

Asura got on top of Kid, waking him in the process. "Big brothr?" Kid's eyes widened when he noticed the knife, "Daddy said not to play with-" he was cut off by Asura stuffing the sock in his mouth.

Not knowing what was happening, Kid started to scream through the rag, barely making any noise. Asura struggled to get Kid to stay still but was able to get a hold of Kid's arms and using all his strength, broke them one after another with loud cracks. He did the same with his legs.

Kid cried and screamed throughout the whole process. Asura took off Kid's shirt and took a marker from his pocket and drew on his body and then took the knife and started to cut where he drew. Kid's screams started to become more audible, so Asura flipped him over, stuck Kid's face into the pillow, and started to cut two words into Kid's back.

Behind him, the door flew open to reveal Lord Death in Pj's. "Kid! Asura!" Lord Death peeled a screaming and bloody Asura off of Kid just before he cut the final letter. Death struggled with Asura until Asura was able to stab his father. Lord Death coughed up blood as the knife went through his stomach.

Asura gave his father and brother one last look before he ran away. Lord Death heard a door open and slam shut. He got up, ignoring the knife, and went to Kid who was falling unconscious."


"I managed to get Kid the help he needed before he died. But Kid suffered major damage, and still suffers to this day. If Kid were to go after Asura, then we wouldn't be able to find him because Asura's nowhere to be found," Lord Death turned his back to everyone.

Liz and Patty were both in tears, while Eloise comforted them. "But you said there are two people. Who's the other person?" Tsubaki asked.

"That would be me."

A/N" 0^0 *le gasp~*

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