Chapter 5

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Liz, Patty, Soul, BlackStar, and Tsubaki walked down the hallway in silence. Lord Death had summoned the group to the Death Room saying he wished to talk about the recent events now that Maka was back on her feet thanks to Naigus.

Maka, already in the Death Room, was anything but calm. She felt so nervous about telling her friends her dream and telling Lord Death the rest of it. Maka jumped when she heard the door slam shut and turned to see her worried friends.

Out of nowhere, Lord Death appeared and sat everyone down and let a moment of silence pass.

"Alright. Down to business," Lord Death spoke in the same voice as he did the day Maka saw him without his disguise on. Everyone was a bit in shock, but it passed quickly.

"As you all know, Kid is sick, but what you don't know is how sick," Lord Death paused and looked and the group.

"Before I tell you anything else, I would very much appreciate if the two of you, Elizabeth and Patricia, would shed some light on the day of the incident in Africa."

Liz and Patty looked at each other and then to Lord Death, "Patty doesn't like to talk about it so is it alright if I just tell the story?"Liz looked to Patty who sniffled back tears. Lord Death nodded his head 'yes' and handed Patty a tissue.



Southeast Africa, 9:35 A.M.

Liz's POV

"C'mon Patty, we need to finish unpacking so we can start investigating the things that are goin' on here," I yelled at my sister who was playing around with her stuffed giraffe. Sometimes I really do question her age. I sighed and went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I picked up my hairbrush and combed a few stray hairs that I knew Kid would notice. Speaking of Kid...

"Hey Patty!"

"Yeah big sis?" Patty stuck her head into view and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Do you mind checking on Kid. It's past 8 and it's not like him to at least come and check on us. And also to make sure he isn't having one of his symmetry attacks again," I sighed and watched as my sister put her boots back on and walk out of the hotel room door.

~Flashback pause~

"At that point I knew that something was up, but I thought it was something really simple," Liz paused and grabbed a tissue from a box Lord Death had recently placed on the circular table for Patty.

~Flashback resume~

Southeast Africa, 9:40 A.M.

Liz's POV

Now where's Patty? It's been five minutes! What 's taking her so long? I walked down the hallway and saw Patty shaking in fear against the door across from Kid's room. Tears were streaming down her face.

"PATTY!" I screamed and ran to her and took her in my arms, "Are you hurt? What's wrong? Talk to me Patty!" Tears were threatening to fall as Patty slowly and shakily raised her arm and pointed at the door to Kid's room that stood slightly ajar.

I got up and slowly pulled the door opened and saw Kid, his body covered in red spiders, twitching violently as his mouth foamed. His eye that wasn't covered in spiders was small and dilated and instead of tears, he cried blood.

"No......... NO.... NOOOO.. Kid. No. you no kid please. no no," I fell to my knees, crushing spiders in the process and stared at him in disbelief. This can't be happening. It's some kind of sick joke isn't it!? Right?

~End Flashback~


"After a lot of crying and trying to get the spiders off of him, we got him on a plane and ever since then......" Liz looked down, " Ever since then, Kid's been unconscious."

Everyone was looking at Liz as she stared at her hands. There was another moment of silence until Lord Death spoke.

"Thank you Elizabeth. Now Maka," Lord Death turned and looked at Maka," Do you mind telling me the complete version of your dream."

Maka nodded and slowly and cautiously, so not to leave anything out, spoke, "Everything was really dark. And there were these spiders. They were red and were moving towards something. Someone to be more exact. At first I didn't know who it was until I remembered the dream. It was Kid. And there was a woman's voice. And she was taunting me and kept saying that he was going to die because of me and that it's all my fault," Maka looked down at her hands, "And well, it kinda is."

"No it's not Maka. I bet if Kid stayed up here, whatever got him in Africa, would've gotten him here," Liz put her hand on Maka's shoulder.

Lord Death coughed to get their attention again, "Now that you know the whole story, I'll tell you what I know," Lord Death paused, "I have reason to believe that Arachne, eldest of the Gorgon sisters, poisoned my son using magic. I also have reason to believe that the poison coursing through Kid's veins can be dealt with. Now, I can tell you Kid is not dead, but is in an unconscious state as Liz said. Naigus found out that Kid's mind is in a certain type of state that allows him to hear everything that is going on around him. This is again, another theory."

As everyone took in the information Lord Death took a quick sip of tea and continued.

"The poison is working from the outside to the inside. That is the reason why I can't show you Kid's body. No offense to my son, but he looks like shit right now." This earned a few smiles and a snicker from BlackStar, "Now this is where you six come into place. If the witch Arachne did poison Kid, we must act now."

"Well what're we supposed to do if you only believe that's there's a cure for Kid?" Soul asked as he looked around the room. Everyone nodded and started to get riled up until Lord Death put his hand up and waited untill it was quiet.

"There is a witch over in Japan tha-"

"Wait! Hold up a damn minute!" BlackStar stoodup from his seat, "A witch poisoned Kid so we're goin' to bring in another WITCH to help him!?"

Lord Death sweat dropped and continued speaking, "As I was trying to say, there is a witch over in Japan that I am close allies with. She is known as the Dragon Witch and is much older than me and knows many wise things. I have contacted her with our problem and she has agreed to help, but she cannot make it to Death City. I've been tracking her and have not been able to find her since she got to Tokyo. She then contacted me saying there were problems with kishins appearing and blocking her way to America. So I need you six to go over to Japan and bring her back here as quickly as possible!"

The group looked at Lord Death and nodded their heads. "You can count on us Lord Death," Maka said as she stood up with the rest of the group. They were going to Japan to find the witch that would help cure Kid.


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