Why did this happen to me?---11

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Why did this happen to me?

Chapter 11

I looked straight into his eyes and smiled brightly. "You're awake."

"I am." He stated back at me. "Come here." He moved over in the bed and made room for me, but I hesitated. "You aren't going to hurt me. I promise." Still hesitant, I walked over and sat on the bed with him. Tyler wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I hugged him back tightly. After a few someone cleared their throat from the door way, Tyler and I turned to see Cathy brining our daughter over. Elena's eyes were wide with excitment. I smiled as she crawled from my arms onto Tyler's lap. "Yes baby." He said as he held her. "Daddy's awake, and daddy sure has missed you and mommy."

I looked up at him smiling and Elena followed my lead.

I turned back to look at Cathy and Austin and found that Matt had joined them to. They were making light conversation and once Matt noticed me looking he gave me a small smile.

"Tyler I'll be back." I said as I unwrapped his arm from around me. He gave me a confused look but then saw Matt behind me and nodded. His face held no emotion until he looked down at Elena, then his face held so much joy and love. It was the same look Tyler had on his face everytime he looked at our daughter. I got off the bed and walked towards the three people standing in the doorway. "You wanted to talk Matt?" I wondereded and he nodded. We stepped out of the room and walked down the hallway quietly.


"Yes Matt?"

He sighed and stepped in front of me, making both of us come to a stop. "Do you love me?"

I hesitated, but I already knew the answer. "Matt, look umm I know that all of the problems we've had started when Tyler told me that lie. And I know you don't like him because of it, but I can't find it in my heart to be mad at him. He's my daughter and son's father." I looked down. "Even though our son didn't make it. But regardless he is still the father. I can't loose him. And.....I can't loose you either." I said quietly and looked up to see his reaction. 

"But do you love me?" He asked again.

I breathed in deeply. "Yes."  

"That's all I needed." He replied and grabbed the back of my neck, smashing his lips onto mine. I smiled and kissed him back. When we pulled apart, we were gasping for breath and smiling at each other. "I'm sorry I left. I just needed to get away from Tyler! I was so mad at him for doing this to you for ruining our life together and I didn't want to hurt you as a result, but I ended up doing just that. Lee-Lee I only needed two days to wrap my head around it and when I called your mom seemed distant and when I asked her where you were she told me that Tyler was in here and that you were with him." He took a deep breath. "I called everyday to see if you were home, but each time they said you weren't there and so I tired to wait and see if you were home and I wanted to give you some space, but I couldn't handle it anymore. I NEEDED to come see you. I had to tell you my choice and I had to see if you would still take me back."

I smiled with happy tears in my eyes. "Matt you silly boy why wouldn't I want you?" I asked him and he shrugged. My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed him again for a few seconds before I grabbed his hand and drug him back to Tyler's room.

"THANK YOU!" Tyler practicaly yelled as I walked back in. Elena gave a happy squeal and reached out to me. I smiled at her and laughed at Tyler's overwelmed expression. I pulled Matt farther into the room before dropping his hand and picking Elena up. "How DO you do it?" Tyler begged.

"Do what?"

"Keep Lena under control! She was practicly climbing all over me and trying to get to you and just being Lena!"

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now