Why did this happen to me?--22

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"You're a mother..." Bella said for the hundredth time. "A mother..."

"Bella we all get that she's a mother!" Tyler snapped from the door way to my room.

I shook my head 'no' in an attempt to stop him, but he didn't listen. Oh well.

"Why are you snapping at me?!?! It's not my fault that it's hard to see that Brook could be a mother!!! I mean not that you aren't a good mom, I'm sure you are. It's just you don't look like you had child let alone TWO!"

I chuckled, but it was Cassy who answered. "You should have seen her WHILE she was pregnant! I swear that girl has the blessing of someone cause she was tiny and didn't gain much weight during the pregnancy. Okay well she gained enough, but still was tiny even though she ate all the time. And then afterwards she barely had an weight on her. It was like she never had her twins."

Bella's jelous look was enough to make me squirm. I wasn't proud of how skinny I am. I'm only proud of how my daughter was doing just fine and is almost one!

"Bella stop." Tyler said gently as he sat down beside me. "Can I have my daughter back?"

"Sure." I agreed happily. "You can burp her." I then proceeded to handing over my  daughter to him and grabbing a burping clothe from one of Elena's baby bags in my room. Not that I ever needed the bags cause I never go out with her. At least not yet I don't.

"Do I have to?" Ty whined.

"Do you want to hold your daughter and stay in the room?" I asked sweetly. He glared at me and did as I told him to. Bella leaned in to whisper into my ear.

"You have him trained so well. Where can I get one?" Just then my bedroom door opened to reviel Matt and Kale.

"Tyler sit down." I told him before he could even stand up. Matt chuckled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bella demanded.

Matt looked towards Kale who continued to stare at Bella. He took a deep breath and started towards her. "Kale..." She said warily, but nothing else at least not until he got down on one knee before her. All the girls in the room gasped and I quickly made for my phone to record this.

"Rosabella Diane Kirch, I know I haven't been there for you lately and trust me I've regretted it everyday and fear that you hate me is what has been keeping me away." He sighed and smiled. "But that's all in the past. I am here today because you weren't home to tell you that with this ring or with out it, I promise to care for you and our baby for the rest of your lives. I love you so much and I was being a down right a..." He looked over towards Elena and Tyler before focusing back on Bella.  "A butt head to do what I did and to let the kids at school carry on like they have. I am so sorry and this is my apology as well as a proposal." He smiled even brighter. "I wish for you to say yes to marrying me since you have my heart, but if you say 'no' then I hope that you will still take this ring as a reminder of my promise to stop being callow.  And not just because you are pregnant, I was planning on doing this before our baby was even thought of. So what do you say Rose? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears fell down her face and she wrapped her around around her still growing belly. "Kale... I... I can't promise to marry you after what you have done to me." She told him, and we all watched as his fell. But suddenly she reached out and grasped his hand to turn him back to face her. "I can promise to let you try and make it all up though. That is if you are really willing to try to fix things. I know I am." Bella smiled at him and he smiled back before kissing her sweetly on the lips.

"So will you do me the honor now of at least wearing my ring on your finger. You know as a promise ring?" I watched my friend through the camera screen as she thought of an answer to his question.

"I guess I could manage that for the sake of my baby."

A/N: Sorry it's short! Hopefully I'll be able to upload more soon!!!!

This has  not been edited so sorry if there are errors.

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now