Why did this happen to me?--17

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 17

I was able to go to school a week after I got home, which was 11 days after this all happened. Apparently the doctors had to do surgery to stop the bleeding from the spot in my stomach that never really healed. In fact they don't exactly know how it was cause, but they were thinking there was too much stress on Micheal and he started thrashing around too much and it tore. Anyway the cut had never healed and Kathleen hit that spot way to hard causing it to rip and me bleed. They also said that surgery went almost perfect, but they almost lost me from loss of blood or something like that.

Honestly I was listening much after they told me I had to take it easy for two months, which meant that I couldn't pick my daughter up. That pain was worse than the actual physical pain I was having, but either way, after the small surgery cut thing healed a week later I was able to go back to school, which is where I was sitting now.

"Ms. Price since you decide to stare out the window in my class and not pay attention when I call you then you will answer this question in thirty seconds or else you get detention."

I sighed bordly at my math teacher. "Okay what's the question?"

"What is the square root of 69?"

And immanently I answered. "8.30662386." The teacher and class stared at me shocked, but I just shrugged. "Teachers think that question is hard and always ask it so I just memorized it." After that the teacher left me alone to think freely. Tyler had said that we needed to talk, but we haven't even done that yet. In fact he would go to school, practice, come home, shower, play with Elena, not let me hold Elena, and then we ate. After that we would do homework, he would bring mine from school too, and then we'd...well he would...put Elena to bed and go to sleep ourselves. And every time Elena would wake up in the middle of the night he was there before I was, but I guess that was because I was still having pains.

Once the bell rang I rushed to leave the room but Matt stopped me outside. "Let's skip next class."

"Matt no we need to go to class. Besides I've missed more class then I should have because of rescheduling and then me being in the hospital."

"So?" Matt asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"What is your problem?" I demanded and took my hand from his.

"My problem?" He scoffed. "What is YOUR problem? My old Brooklynn Leah Price would have skipped class with me so that we could just hand out."

"No Matthew. The old Brooklynn Leah Price would have gone to class." I started to walk away from him only to turn back with a cold stare. "I'm not just some girlfriend you can use as a quickie." His face looked shocked and guilt was written all over it. "Yeah I heard about your newly found reputation and I heard about how you're trying to have sex with me."

"Oh yeah that's right. You have to be drunk for someone to have sex with you. Or is that only for Tyler?" He snapped and by then there were more than enough people watching and whispering around us.

"That was different." I whispered. "And I only want to forget my mistakes, but YOU WON'T LET ME!" I screamed the last part in his face. "So you know what Matthew..." I slapped him hard across his left cheek leaving a bright red handprint there. "We're done." And then I tried to turn away...

Only to have my wrist grabbed at my body jerked back against Matt's chest. "Excuse me, but no one breaks up with Matthew Jacob Garrison."

I jerked back away from him. "I believe I just did. For the second time in less than two years." I heard some 'ohhhs' and 'you just got burnt' but I didn't stop. Tears were threatening to spill over. Was he just basically calling me a whore? I'm not one....it was only one person and only one time and I didn't plan on doing anything like that anytime soon. Elena was enough and I had just gotten over my grieving for my son.

As I walked through the door to my history class everyone stopped talking and stared at me. There were three groups all huddled around three different cell phones, which meant someone had probably recorded what just happened.

"Matthew's a dick." Lizabeth spoke up as she came towards me. "Let's go. You're in need of some cheering up and I know just how to do that." She told me with a happy smile.

Then she chose to pretty much drug me to the main office. "Look nervous." She ordered, but she didn't really have to. I was already nervous about what she was doing.  "Yes we're here to get passes to leave."

"Do you have permission from parents?" The secretary asked.

"Sort of." Lizabeth mumbled. "Look..." She said lowering her voice. "I'm sure you've been made aware of Brooklynn's situation and well her mom just called. Her daughter is getting a little sick and we need to run to the house for a few minutes. I promise we'll be back and when we get there we'll have her mother call and explain. I promise." Lizabeth said sweetly as she made an x mark over her heart.

"I can let her go, but why do you need to go to?"

"Well for one Brookly can't drive yet and so she got a ride this morning and for two I'm her baby's daddy's sister-in-law's younger sister and so I'm basically family. Now I'd be very happy if you let us get to the sick child." Her voice was still in a whisper and the secretary started scribbling out our passes.

"Hope it gets better!" She called after us.

As we got out of school Lizabeth took me to her black jaguar and started driving. "Where exactly do you live?" And so I told her.

"Mooom!!!" I called through the house and instantly she came down stairs with Elena in hand.

"Is everything alright baby?" I shook my head no as the tears started forming again. She pulled me in close and for a while I just cried into her shirt.

"Can I see my baby?" I asked her once I had managed to calm down more. Elena had been playing with my hair lightly this whole time. Mom looked torn. "Please mommy, Tyler isn't here and right now may be the only time for a while unless I want to start an argument with him." She gave me an amused smile but nodded and led us into the living room. I said down almost instantly and reached my arms out to get my daughter. My mom and Lizabeth laughed at my eagerness.

"Hey baby girl." I said to Elena who smiled happily in return. "Well you remember Matt? Mommy's boyfriend who I told you was a very nice guy, yeah well he's no so nice anymore baby." I kissed her forehead and looked up to face my mom. "Oh right mom this is Elizabeth she's Cathy's younger sister and that friend of mine from Gran's house."

"Really?" Then my mom smiled and hugged Lizabeth. "I was wondering when I was ever going to meet this sister Cathy speaks so much about."

"Wow is that actual blushing Elizabeth Marie Landon?"

"N-no." She stuttered, trying to cover it up but failing miserably. I laughed at her for a second before remembering what she told the secretary.

"Oh mom you're going to have to call the school and tell them that Elena is a little sick and that you thought I needed to come home for a bit. Of course we'll leave in a few minutes to go back, but Lizabeth here said that you would call."

"What? You wanted to feel better and I knew seeing you're daughter would help."

"Alright girl I'll go make the call." My mom informed us and then she left.

"So Tyler told you about what happened to Micheal?"

"Some of it. He said you lost him in child birth, but you still have Elena." We smiled down at my daughter who was at this moment making cute little baby noises. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can Aunt Elizabeth." I told her and got the pleasure of seeing her eyes light up as she took my daughter into her hands. Elena had yet another person wrapped around her finger, I could just tell by the look on Lizabeth's face. "You got her? I want to go talk to my mom."

"Yeah I got her, don't worry." I smiled at her and went into the kitchen to find my mom. She was sitting at the table looking at the doorframe when I came in.

I gave her a questioning look. "Yes I was expecting you. So tell me what did Matthew do?"

And so I told her. Everything.

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now