Why did this happen to me?--7

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 7

"Matt where are we going?"

"Lee-Lee stop asking." He sighed from the front seat of Alec's car.

I pouted. And that caused Cassy to laugh. "Why is everyone laughing at me? I can bug my boyfriend to find out where we are going if I want. And I can also pout when he won't tell me, if I want." That caused everyone, but me to laugh. So I rolled my eyes, shrugged my shoulders and then laughed along with them.

"Sooo when we gonna get there?"

"We'll get there when we get there kid." Alec stated.

"I'm not a kid. I'm the same age as you little girl here." I told him, poking Cassy in the side. Alec just left it there. "Hey Cassy."


"Are you...?"

"Yes I am."

"You start or me?"

"How about I do it Brooks."

Just  then we both pulled out our phones curiously, looked over at least other at the same time and said. "Who texted you?..........Tyler..........What did he want?..........He asked which colour should he use...........What are you going to tell him?..........Blue of course.........I don't see how he can forget that so quickly..........." We started at each other smiling. That wasn't our plan, but it was funny the way it worked out with us saying everything at the same time. The boy's started at us in astonishment. Matt was turned around in his seat looking at us and Alec kept briefly looking back at us threw the rear-view mirror.

"How the hell did you to do that?"

"I'm not exactly sure Alec. Me and Brooks just seem to think the same exact things at the same time, and we speak our minds."

"Don't I know." Matt said, smiling as he turned around in his seat.

"Now Cassy?" I asked evilly.

"Now Brooks." She said back with an evil grin that probably matched mine.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked.

"Nothing." I said.

~~~~~~~A few minutes later~~~~~~~

"Are we there yet?" Cassy asked.

"Nope." Her boyfriend answered.

"How about now?" I asked.

Matt sighed, shaking his head. "Not yet."

And that's how it went for about 10 more minutes. When they started to ignore us after catching on to what we were doing Cassy and I started singing. "I know a song that gets on every body's nerves, every body's nerves, every body's nerves. I know a song that gets on every body's nerves, and this is how it goes...." Then we would repeat the verse for another 5 minutes.

"OKAY! Enough!!!" Alec shouted harshly and me and Cassy shut our mouths. His voice softened, "We're here."

"YAY!!!" Cassy and I cheered.

When we got out of the car and looked around we noticed a little lake surrounded by trees with a picnic set up. Candles were around the little area since the sun was setting. Cassy and I stood frozen at the sight.

"Did you guys plan this?"

"Yes." They said answering our question, whiles leading us over to the blanket. Cassy sat down and I followed as they guys lit the candles. Instantly the are started to smell of lavender, vanilla, ocean breeze and forest.

"Wow." I hugged Matt tightly once he sat down.

"You like it?"

"Of course Matt! I love it! Just like I love you."

"I love you to Lee-Lee you know that."

The rest of the night was peaceful. Laying out there with my boyfriend, cousin and cousin's boyfriend. But all too soon the night ended and we were arriving at my house. Matt walked me to the door and after Alec said goodnight to Cassy he kissed my lips and told me night. I climbed the stairs to my room but before i turned the light on I hears snoring. I looked around and found Tyler laying on my bed with Elena asleep. It was adorable. As quietly as I could I pulled Elena up from his arms and took her to her nursery. She was beautiful. I kissed her head before making sure her night-light was on and leaving the room. Grabbing a few blankets from my closet, I changed clothes and made a little bed on the floor and slept there that night. Dreaming of my beautiful Elena, her brother and Tyler as well as Matt and all my family. A peaceful sleep. Peaceful world. One of no pain.

A/N: Okay well I thought I'd go ahead and post this and when I get back from my dad's I'll post more if I can. If not it will be after Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone!!!! Please comment and vote.

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now