Why did this happen to me?---6

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A/N: I was just going to continue with the way I wrote the story on paper, but then someone brought it to my attention that it's moving a little to fast so I decided to adda fewmore chapters that revolve around Brooklynn and Matt mostly. Hope you like it..:)

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 6

Matt called me the very next morning. I was woken up by the sound of his ring tone. I smiled and picked it up from my nightstand.


"Morning Lee-Lee. Did I wake you up?"

"Uh yeah, but it's all good I need to wake up anyway."

"Okay that's good."

"You know I can practically hear you smiling."

Matt laughed at that while I got out of bed and walked to Elena's room. My breath caught in my throat. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.


"Yeah? Hold on." I said as I rushed into the kitchen. "Mom where's...Tyler?"

"Tyler? What is he doing there?" Matt growled.

"I don't know Matt. What are you doing here Tyler?" Tyler didn't say anything, but he motioned to the highchair. I walked around to the front of Elena's chair and saw that Tyler had been feeding her. I let out a sigh of relief.


"Yeah Matt?"

"I was wondering if we could hang out today? Maybe around 2."

"Uhhh actually I...sorry Matt, but I have something to do today. Maybe tonight?"

"I'll pick you us at 6:30?"

"How about 7? Where we going anyway?" I asked curious as I filled Elena's cup with orange juice then poured some for myself. "Want some Ty?"

"Uh sure." He said then laughed as Elena took he food and stuck it on her face.

I laughed too.

"Is Tyler still there?"

"Uhhh yeah Matt, he is. But don't worry about it we're friends again."

"I didn't think we ever stopped being friends." Tyler mumbled while wiping our daughter's face. Our daughter. Wow that sounded weird.

"You lied to me Tyler." I sighed.

"Well..."He gestured to Elena and I smiled at her.

"We're just talking Matt. See you at 7 tonight then?"

"Okay.." He seemed out of it a little.

"Hey Matt?'

"Yeah Lee-Lee?"

"I love you."

"Love you too. See you later."

"Can't wait." Then we hung up.

For the rest of the day I just showed Tyler how I did things with Elena and he helped. I just couldn't wait till I got to see Mat. Elena would be safe with Tyler and my parents and Cassy.

It was 6:45 and I knew that Matt being Matt would be here at 6:55. That's just how he is. Never late for a date. He's always early. I walked into the living room to find my father investigating Tyler.

"Why did you do what you did to my daughter?"

"Sir, I made a rash action and I was half drunk.." He paused and looked at my father's stern glare. "In truth sir. I did what I did cause I wanted to. There's no excuse I will use for it. I guess all I can really say is that I did it cause I..... Brooky hey."

"Hey Ty, dad, Elena." I bent over Ty's shoulder to kiss my daughter's head. She reached her arms up towards me and I picked her up. "You gonna be a good girl for your daddy tonight right?" She just laughed. So I ticked her sides. The door bell rang. My eyes went wide it was only 6:50. "Tyler." I said and he took Elena from me and left the room using the back door.

When I got to the front door and opened it, the guy wasn't Matt.

"May I help you?"

"No you can't help me."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Looking for a girl I met twonights ago at a teen-club down the street."

"Ahhhh right. And just who might that be?"

"Alec!" Cassy yelled excitedly as she bounded down the stairs.

"Her." He rushed inside and picked Cassy up hugging her.

"You said Alec?"

"Cassy's boyfriend. Alec's the name. You are?"

He stuck his hand out and I shook it. "Brooklynn. Cassy's twin cousin."

"Twin cousin eh?"He burst out laughing. "You girls sure look like twins."

"Exactly why we say we're twin cousins. Duh Alec!" Cassy said, lightly hitting Alec on the forehead.

"Cass, I'm sorry I didn't even know you had a boyfriend."

"Well I justmet hertwo nights ago."

"That's funny cause I know otherwise. Cassy was here with me two nights ago."

"You're right Brooks. Alec is my boyfriend of 5 months." Cassy said sweetly.

"Oh I'm so sorry Cass!"

"Brooks it's okay I didn't tell you. You were just so caught up in the de....."

"Knock, knock." Matt said from the open door.

"Hey Matt." He smiled and came in to give me a hug.

"Matt my man."

"Alec. It's good to see you. "

Me and Cassy stood by dumb-founded. "How do you know each other?" We asked together.

"Party, about two years ago."

"Ahhh." Just then we heard....


Coming from upstairs.


"Lee-Lee what was that?"

"We're alright!!"Tyler yelled down the hall.

"Just a second guys, Matt." I kissed my boyfriend lightly on the lips before rushing up the stairs. "Tyler Gabriel Charmicheal what did you do this time?" I found him in my room with Elena. It seems that he had knocked over my towel rack.

"Lee-Lee?" Matt's voice wondered as he came closer.

I started to panic, Matt couldn't know just yet. I'd loose him forever. "You deal with this. Got to go." I came out of my room with a smile on my face, closing the door behind me."Sorry about that. Tyler's getting somethings from my closet that he had left over here from the last spring break that I was here."

"Ahhh. Okay well exactly why did you leave?" He asked as I took hold of his arm and together we walked down stairs.

"Tyler said it yesterday. I was having trouble with my parents."

"Yes, but I know for a fact that you never have problems with them." I was quiet. Tyler had actually told me the same thing last night, but he also said he was to distracted by my crying to care about the reason for my leaving.

"Maybe you don't know everything Matt." I smiled at him as we started walking out the front door.

It turns out Cassy was having a date with Alec tonight as well and the funny thing is that they were going to the same place. Where ever that place is. Matt still wouldn't tell me and Alec never told Cassy. My insides were burning with curiosity.

A/N: Tell me what you think please. Vote and comment!

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now