Why did this happen to me?---14

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Chappie 14

"Tyler how could you say that to her? Damn it! Can't you see she's hurting!" Something was slammed against another something and I heard the shattering of glass.

"Cas, babe. Calm down." I heard Alec say.

"Look Cassy I messed up alright! I really messed up, but what was I supposed to do! It's been almost 9 months. How long can someone grieve for a baby when they have a beautiful one with them?"

"You just don't get it Tyler! Brooks thinks she killed the baby and THANKS to you she will think it EVEN MORE!!! God she loves Elena. Nobody can EVER doubt that my cousin loves her daughter, but she was expecting two kids and every time she sees you...." Cassy sighed loudly. "You weren't there when Micheal came out dead. You didn't see Brooklynn break down to nothing. She was scared to death when they rushed her into having the kids after blood came out. There was no time for pain medication and so she felt ALL the pain. Through out it all...sh..she kept calling out about you. It might have been to cuss you out, but she didn't mention anyone but you." Cassy paused and it sounded like she was choking back a sob. "I have never seen my cousin so vulnerable, then after she lost Micheal.....and I never want to see her like that again. But you! You're just causing the pain!!!! She's trying to not show it, but I see right through her. I sat in the living room just an hour ago as she cried herself to sleep in her dad's office!"

"Cassy, calm d.."

"I swear Alec, if you say calm down I'm going to seriously hurt you!!!!" My cousin screamed, I could hear the tears in her voice. "Tyler, Brooks cares for you. Maybe not in the same way that she cares for Matthew, but she does care for you and ever since she told you she's been trying to make it up for taking your kids from you. You need to see her point of this!!!!." Cassy voice then dropped to a whisper and I could just barley hear her. "She was scared.....so scared when she found out she was pregnant. And Tyler....She did this for you too." Everything went silent and then another smash, but everything still stayed quiet as I got lost in the past.

**Flash Back**

  I looked down at the pregnancy test in my shaking hands. The little pink plus sign usually means good news but...is it good news?

Oh gosh! My parents, my family.....Tyler... What will they think? Should I tell Tyler? What if I do and he runs? I placed my hand on my small stomach. What if he want's nothing to do with us?

Wait us? Part of my mind asked, but the bigged part said....Yes us. This is my baby and I won't let anyone harm them. Then my mind went to my parents. Oh I am so dead. I placed a hand on my bathtub and pushed myself up. The test was left on my bathroom counter as I went to find my parents. Better tell them sooner than later right?

"Mom! Dad!!" I screamed down the hallway as I walked through my house to find them. After not finding them anywhere else I walked to my dad's office and knocked softly.

"Come in!" I hear him called and once I opened the door I saw that both my parents were in there and they didn't look happy. "Can you shut the door?"

Oh crap...."Sure." I did as he asked and sat down by my mom on the couch.

"Look Brooklynn we know you are a big girl so I'm just going to go out and ask you this." I nodded my head, but was scared. What did he want to say? "Are you pregnant?"

My eyes opened so wide that I thought they were going to fall out of my head. "I...how did you know?"

My mom sighed sadly. "You've been sick lately."

I nodded and looked between them both. "Well that gets trying to tell you out of the way." I said trying to make some of the tension go away, but ended up busting into tears shortly after the words were out of my mouth. Mom wrapped her arms around me and held my shaking figure close. After a few seconds my dad came over and hugged me from the other side.

"Is it Matt's?" Dad asked and I shook my head against mom's shoulder, the tears fell faster. "Tyler's?"

"Daddy please don't be mad at me! Please don't hate me! I didn't mean to. I didn't know I....I don't know what to do!" I cried out. "I don't know what to do..."

"Shhhh, Brook, shhhh. Everything will be okay. We're not mad and we don't hate you." I looked up at her and sniffed.

"Y...you don't?"

Dad spoke up then. "No of course we don't. We love you baby, but we wish you would have waited."

"I didn't mean to." I cried again and then told them everything that had happened. They were mad, but soon they just hugged me again since I was crying more.

~~~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~~

We had planned what was going to happen after I told them that I was keeping my baby and they were actually REALLY happy about it. As of this moment though.....I was standing on my front porch debating on weather of not to really tell Tyler. I was scared that he would leave, but really did he need to know? If he didn't know then it wouldn't change his life much so should I tell him? Should make the possibility of him losing his chance as being the best soccer player ever? Or do I just run from him before he can run from me....and before I could ruin his life.

   Somehow I had managed to make my way to Tyler, which was only a few houses from mine and knock on his door. Suddenly it swung open to reviel him with his jeans slung low (but not really low, it didn't show anything) and his favorite t-shirt that had our schools name on it and his number in soccer. He smiled at me and again for the second time today I broke down into tears.

"Brooky?" He asked as he despretly tried to get me to say something, but he soon gave up and sat us down on his porch just hold me.

   After a while I seemed to calm down a little. but the tears were still in my eyes. 'I'm moving." I whispered since I did not trust my voice.

"What? Why?" He demanded and here was the moment. Do I tell him or not.

Tell him and ruin his dream or have the possibility of him just running from our baby.....Or....don't tell him and do this by myself. Don't give him the chance to run from this since he won't know and let him live out his dream.

......what do I do?......

"I'm having problems with my parents and I can't live there anymore." Lie.

"They're making you leave?!" He asked me.

"No, I....I just can't stay here anymore. I can't ruin peoples lives by causing all kinds of drama." Truth.

"Brook...I...when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow. I'll be living with my grandmother."

He stood up with sadness clearly written all over his face. "You can't leave!" Then he sat down beside me again. "Please I'm sorry for putting bear in your drink. Really I am! I...I didn't know it would affect you that much!" He pleaded with me and I looked straight into his eyes.

"It only made me a little tipsy and made things fuzzy but......"I sighed. "But for the most part I knew what was going on and I was so caught up in my emotions and lust that I didn't stop it. So STOP! Don't beat forself up over it. I know it's partly my fault."

He hugged me and held on tightly. "Please don't leave Brooky. Stay. S...stay with me. Live here!"

I stiffened and more tears spilled from my eyes. I just couldn't tell him. "I can't. I have to go." I whispered and then gave him one tight squeeze before I took off down the street.

I couldn't tell him....I just couldn't! And just because he's let me stay now doesn't mean he'd do it if he knew I was carrying his baby....

I couldn't ruin his life and I couldn't let myself get hurt if I told him and he rejected me. I don't think I could take more pain from a guy....not this past month and a half. Not after Matt's betrayal, my break up with him and then having to ignore him.....No I just couldn't take anymore....Not now.

**End of THIS flash back**

A/N: I totally had a burst of creativity and just HAD to upload another chapter. Thank you everyone who has read this story. PLEASE comment and vote and tell me what you think. :)

Also hopefully I'll be able to correct my mistakes soon, but no promises. Sorry!

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now