Why did this happen to me?---4

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 4

Home at last. I thought as I raced upstairs and into the nursery. I stood in the doorway for a few seconds. She was screaming and pushing away all the toys my mom was giving her. Then she picked one up to examine it when she noticed me standing there. She threw the toy down, squealed happily and held her arms out. I rushed over and swooped her up into my arms, then turned to face my mother.

"Uh-oh. What happened?" She asked, taking in my face. I told her about the mall and how the boys had shown up.

"Sp Matthew's coming over tonight?"

I nodded before sitting down with Elena in my lap so that she could play with her toys that surrounded us.

"Well then I better get started cooking."

"Mom he's coming at 8:30. What time is it now?"

"Seven." She said while leaving the room. "Oh and I love your hair!"

"Thanks mom!" I sat in Elena's nursery for about forty-five minutes as I watched my daughter play. Something moved outside then room and I saw Cassy going into her room across the hall. "Cassy cab you watch Elena while I go take a shower?"

"Sure thing." She smiled as she took my place, Elena whimpered. I walked to the door right beside Elena's room and got my things ready to take a shower then it dawned on me. How was I going to keep Elena quiet through the whole talk with Matt....? I went down stairs and fixed a bottle for Elena and brought it to Cassy before I went to take a quick shower.

Honestly I had intended on getting in and getting right out, but the warm water felt soooooo calming. By the time I had actually gotten out it was 8:15. Crap!!! I dried myself off quickly before changing into my favorite blue tank top and gray sweat-pants. After being fully dressed I went to Elena's room. Only to find my daughter throwing a fit. I chuckled cause I knew that was her way of fighting off sleep. I took her from Cassy and sat down in the white rocker. With-in five minutes Elena was sound asleep. I stuck her in her crib, flipped on her night-light while turning off the overhead light. Cassy watched me the whole time as I got Elena down. We backed out of the room quietly and left the door cracked.

"Hey Brooks can I borrow some sweats? My good ones are in the wash." Cas asked.

"Sure." I told her as I smiled.

The doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled down the stairs then silently prayed that I didn't wake Elena up. Luckily I didn't.

Hurrying down the steps, I threw my hair up in a messy bun and answered the door. Matt smiled as he took in the way I looked and then laughed.

"Planning on going to bed?"

"Nope I was planning on seeing you." I told him with a smile as he walked in the front door, closing it behind him.

"Well then," He folded his arms across his muscular chest. "I figured for seeing me you would have dressed up."

"I didn't dress up to see you before so why would I do it now?"

He smiled at me warmly. "Now threes the Lee-Lee I remember."

I smiled at him and took a step back to let him in closing the door firmly behind him.

"Oh Matthew darling!" my mother greeted giving him a hug. "You hungry?"

"No ma'am I ate before I came."

"Oh well okay. Brooky the foods ready."

"Ummm mom, can you make me a plate and put in the microwave?"

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now