Why did this happen to me?---26

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A/N: well here's another chapter. I hope you like it.

"Brooks are you okay?" Cassy asked at lunch. Everyone looked at me, but I quickly rolled my eyes.

"She's worried. A little someone was screaming when we left the house this morning." Tyler answered for me as Matt and Kale sat down with their food, well Kale's tray was filled with food for both him and Bella.

"I'm not hunrgy." She told him as she pushed the tray away and leaned on her elbows. "What do you think is wrong with her Brook?"

"There's nothing wrong with her! She was just being fussy today."

"Butt out Ty. I think my cousin would know what she is talking about." Cassy snapped.

Tyler shook his head, but didn't say anything. "I'm not sure if anything is wrong exactly, but something has her upset. She loves staying with my mom."

"Bella you need to eat." Kale interupted, but she pushed it all away.

"Hush I'm listening to Brook." Kale sighed and ate his food.

      Bella had been doing this every now and then since Kale gave her the ring. I think she was testing his loyalty, or just testing him altogether and Kale so far took it laying down.

"You need to eat." I insisted and she sighed before grabbing an apple and taking a huge bite.

"So you'll listen to her, but not me? I am the baby's father."

"But you aren't the one pregnant."

"Rosabella calm down." I ordered. "Kale come with me." I told him as I walked away from the table. I could hear him following me so I didn't look back until we were in the hallway. "Listen here Kale and listen good. Leave. Her. Alone. Bella is pregnant so her hormones are raging left, right, up and down. You can't just push her all the time like you are trying to do."

"She's walking all over me though."

"I know that. She's testing you. Don't you know how bad you hurt her in the first place? She still isn't fully trusting you and she wont for a while. All you have to do is show her that she cant walk all over you. Show her that there is no way you will leave and don't push her, just be reasonable about it."

"It's just hard Brooklynn. You don't even understand."

"Oh believe me Kale I understand more than you think."

"No you don't." He snapped angrily. "Tyler didn't know in the first place okay? I did. I did know and I chose not to listen when I should have from the start, but then you come back and now Tyler has this unexpected bagage. Did you even stop to consider how he must feel about this? His life is over now because of Elena and you never even thought of it."

"I did though Kale. That's why I left, so that he wouldn't have to choose between his life here and the new one."

"No you didn't think. Do you even know why Ty stays? Huh?" I didn't answer him since I knew he would just interupt me.  "He stays because he feels guilty. You made him feel guilty for not being there in the first place and he's even told me that he wonders what life would be like if this never happened. IF YOU NEVER HAPPENED! He wonders how good life would be if he didn't have the bagage he has."

This stopped me cold. "He said that?" I whispered.

"Yes he's guilty and doesn't want to be the bad guy. It's all show Brooklynn so grow up and stop crying over it! This is the real world, not some childhood fanacy. So just grow up, you cant afford to be a child anymore."

      Tears pricked my eyes as I turned to face the lunch room. I looked in through the small windows and saw my table laughing, Tyler and Alec were having a mini food fight. I couldn't laugh at it though. I felt sick with Kale's words flying back and forth through my head. I blinked to clear my tears, but they fell so with one last look at Tyler I turned around and pushed past Kale. My shoulder knocked into his hard in my desperate attempt to get to the nearest bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now