Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.---Chapter 2

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 2

I was back home now. With a new born baby girl, and....and a dead baby boy. I hardly left my room since I had moved back in with my parents. My mom was dealing with it by letting people talk to her. My dad was just strong, but me well I dealt with Micheal's death by not talking. AT ALL. Well I talked to his sister Elena. Of course I would talk to her. She's my world! Micheal's dead.....my other baby's death just proved to me how cruel life could be. Micheal Lewis Price...that's what my son's name would have been. Just like my dad's name. Now my daughter...I sighed and look at her.

"Elena Kennedy Price, you get more beautiful everyday." I smiled, she was sleeping sweetly in my arms. The door bell rang down stairs and someone answered it.

"Brooklynn Leah Price!" My dad yelled.

"What now?" I groaned to myself quietly as I put Elena in her crib.

"Door's for you!" He shouted when I didn't answer him out load.

I stepped into the hallway and made my way down stairs. I didn't look up until I had stepped off the bottom step. Then I saw him. His muscular body, his perfectly sun tanned skin even though it was January 27th, his blond hair and finally his gorgeous blue eyes. My dad was starting leave the room and so nicely giving us time alone.

"Hey Lee-Lee." He smiled.

"M-Matt?" My voice broke on his name and stopped dad in his tracks.

"Brooky? You spoke!" Dad's voice was overjoyed.

I shook my head, tears were coming. "No." I whispered before running back upstairs, but Matt wasn't letting me get away. I was to open my door all the way when I heard his foot fall behind me. I quickly shut it as quietly as I could and whipped the tears.

"Can we go in there and talk?" He asked.

Ii shook my head viciously.

"May I ask why?"

Again I shook my head. He didn't need to see my daughter. He didn't need to know that I had one.

"You look tired." Matt noted as he reached for me. I squirmed from his reach. "Can we talk outside?"

I held up my finger, opened the door a crack and peered around it towards the crib. Elena was sound asleep. I smiled and closed the door quietly before gesturing for Matt to lead the way.

As we walked through the kitchen I made eye contact with my mom who was cooking dinner. I pointed upstairs and she nodded and made her way up there.

"What was that all about?" Matt asked once we were outside in the yard. I gave him a confused look. "With your mom."

Wow, I hadn't known that he noticed. I gave him a small half smile and shrugged then dropped the fake smile. Matt took a step closer and I stepped back. "Lee-Lee what's wrong? I shook my head again and then decided to say that nothing was wrong, but Matt's eyes focused on something behind me. "Tyler." He said through clenched teeth. I froze. Oh gosh no! I screamed in my head. Matt's eyes snapped back to me as he felt the tension in the air. I heard Tyler descend the stairs. "No." I whispered and Matt heard. He looked from my frozen body to Tyler's relaxed one as he came to stand beside me.

"Brooky?" Tyler asked confused. I bet he felt the tension. "What's going on? Why haven't you called? And why is 'IT' here?"

"It has a name." Matt growled.

"I don't care." Tyler snapped as he stood in front of me, trying to get me to look at him. I just stepped out of his reach. "What the hell?!" He snapped at me. Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket saving me. I took it out. Cassy was calling again. I ignored my cousins call, but as I was about to flip my phone closed the picture stopped me. My twins side by side....one alive....one dead. I had spent many hours staring at this one picture that had become my phone's back ground. Oh gosh not again! I thought as the tears over flowed once again.

"Brooky?" Tyler shouted worriedly. I looked up at him and noticed with a stab through my heart that Micheal looked just like him. The phone slipped from my hands and snapped closed on the ground.

"Brooklynn?!" Both boys shouted.

"I-I g-gotta g-go." I stuttered as I retrieved my phone and ran into the house with tears flowing heavily. As I got to the top of the stairs I whirled around on the boys at the bottom. "What do you want guys?!" I yelled. "Really what do you want?!" My parents walked in alarmed. "What you don't have an answer? Good. I don't want to hear your excuses. Now get out of my house." I told them as the tears flew faster down my face blinding me, but I didn't wipe them away and nobody moved. "Did I not make myself clear? Get the HELL out of my house! I DON'T NEED YOUR SHIT RIGHT NOW!" I screamed as loud as I could and was surprised that I hadn't woken Elena up. A wave of dizziness hit and I collapsed onto my knees. My mom was at my side right away pulling my hair away from my face and kissing my forehead as she told me 'it's okay' and 'shhh'. "Dad get them out!" I begged still crying.

"Boys I think you should leave." My dad said sternly and they quietly left.

"Why mom?"

"Why what baby?" She said in a calming way.

"Micheal looks just like Tyler."

"Yes, sweetheart I noticed." She sighed.

"Why did you let him in?"

"You need to tell him."

"No I don't. I don't want to."

Micheal's funeral was tomorrow. I tried my best to be strong and not cry as I held Elena close to me through it all.

Author note: Hmmmm....

So what did you think of it?

I'm sorry if it seems long but as you might already know I love details.

Well leave me comments please.

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