Why did this happen to me?---19

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Chapter 19

"Lizabeth this is Bella. Bella this is Elizabeth, I just call her Lizabeth." They shook hands as Tyler's soccer practice ended.

  All three of us stood around and me and Bella telling Lizabeth about the situation and just like I thought she agreed that she was going to back Bella up. Tyler had walked off to the changing rooms so we were just waiting on him to finish up now and it just so happens that Matthew, Kale and the three friends of Matt's had to walk up then.

"I'll see you later girls." Bella mumbled, but I looped my arm holding her where she was. "Brook I really don't think I can handle this."

"Bella you can handle anything if you just try. Forget that he's a jerk and just think of all the child support you can get from him." Lizabeth joked. We all laughed causing the boys to look our way.

Kale's eyes widened and I saw that he was considering weather to leave or stay. "You can leave cause we were here first and we're not going to leave." Lizabeth snapped at him with a smirk on her face. "Unless you want to stay and talk nicely to your beautiful ex-girlfriend. Which by the way you don't deserve her." I turned my attention to her since I couldn't look at Matt after what he did to me.

Luckily though Tyler's phone rang. "Hello?" I answered to his brother.

"Brooklynn what are you doing with Tyler's phone?"

"He's in the lockers rooms."

"Oh and you're not in there with him?" Austin teased in a perverted way.

"Ewww! Come on Austin we're just friends."

"Yeah right. Anyway I need to talk to Tyler."

"What about?" I asked curiously, I figured Austin wouldn't tell me.

He sighed. "It's about some court papers that include Elena."

My eyes widened as fears shot through my body like a bullet. "Excuse me?"

"Tyler wanted me to pick up some court papers that he needs to do something with Elena."

"What are you talking about? He's never said anything about this." I questioned while turning around to look for Ty.

"I don't think you're supposed to know yet...." He mumbled more to himself than me.

"If it involves Elena then it's my damn business!" I screamed into the phone. "You tell me right now or I swear you'll never have kids."

"It's not my place to tell." He managed to get out right before the line disconnected.

"Austin! Austin! Damn it!" I growled while trying to call him back, but he ignored them. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest and tears pricked the back of my eyes...

Why would he need court papers? Was he trying to take Elena from me?

"Brookly?" I heard one of my best friends call faintly, but all I could focus on was the fact that my mind was racing about the possibilities of why he would need to go to court. I ran a hand through my hair taking a deep breath that was meant to calm me, but it didn't. My hands were shaking from as I dialed Cassy's number from my phone. I sniffed as a tear fell and hurriedly broke through the boy's to get to the parking lot.


"Cassy come get me. Please I know your with Alec... please." I begged trying to keep the tears out of my voice but failing miserably.

"What happened?" She demanded. "We're on our way." Then the line went dead.

"Brooklynn!" I hear three voices shout, but I dropped Ty's phone on the grass and took off running past the parking lot and out onto the street. A few minutes after that Alec pulled up with Cassy jumping out of the car to hug my crying form before she ushered me into the back seat and held me tightly to her the whole way home.

The moment I got inside my body was racing to find Elena, only to find her in Austin's arms as he rocked her in her nursery. He looked up and his face turned to alarm once he saw my tear stained face. His voice was begging me to tell him what was wrong, but I wouldn't say. And even though I wasn't technically supposed to pick my daughter up, I took her from him and disappeared into my room with the door locked. Austin was banging on my door only a step away from knocking it down when Cassy screamed at him to leave me to myself for a while. She was right, but of course she knew me better than anyone and there I sat for a long time just holding my beautiful daughter while sitting on my bed.

Elena had fallen asleep shortly after I sat down and I was glad that Tyler and Cassy's screams didn't wake her as well as my tears... I lay down just holding her to me, but not crushing her as I soon fell asleep too.

~~~~~~~ Later on~~~~~~~~

I woke up to Elena playing with my hair and laughed. "Hey baby girl." I greeted, seeing her smile at me. I looked at the time and pulled her up with me. It was time for her food now and I was honestly dreading going down stairs, but that’s what I did.

 My footsteps were as quiet as possible as I walked down the stairs. I could hear Tyler and his brother talking over the TV as I made my way to the kitchen to feed Elena... being as quiet as possible. Luckily they never heard me, but then it dawned on me that I hadn't seen my mom yet and its past time for my dad to be home. And so reluctantly after feeding my daughter, I walked into the living room. Austin was talking but the moment he saw me, he stopped and everyone turned to look at me.

"Brooky..." Tyler said trailing off and then he sighed looking at Elena in my arms.

I shook my head getting angry. "I can hold her if I want you can't control me."

"I'm not trying to." He turned around and glared at his brother.

 A/N: Sorry about the wait. And I was going to write longer on this chapter, but I'm in such a good mood today that I thought I’d upload now. :)

Love, Lynn

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now