21 - Cold tone

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After John finished telling Arthur the events, he was shocked.

"...that must've been hard for her to see." -he said. John sighed and nodded afterward.

"She asked me to go back with her tomorrow to that place to give the wolf a proper burial. Could you perhaps follow us in the shadows?" -John asked.

"Of course, the least I can do is to defend y'all." -Arthur smiled.

"Thank you Arthur." -he said before he laid down on his bed to sleep.

Meanwhile at the campfire...

"Did anyone see where Colm went after someone didn't shoot him?" -Charles asked as he looked at Micah with an angry expression.

"Don't be looking at me, redskin. Ask somebody else!" -Micah blurted out as he crossed his arms. Charles stood up and went over to him.

"Be careful who you call redskin." -he whispered angrily as he walked by him all the while giving him a cold look. Micah just shrugged and turned away from Charles. Moments later he left the campfire.

Only Javier and Sean remained at the campfire until it sizzled out. The sky was starry and the weather was rather chilly that night. That is until the Sun was rising on the horizon. A few clouds formed in the sky, but nothing that was indicating any storm coming, maybe just a slight chance for rain.

As Charlotte opened her eyes, she noticed that it was way too quiet in camp.

'Have I woken up too early?'

She thought to herself as she sat up on her bed.

Then she managed to get herself together, she walked outside and looked around but there was nobody in sight. She didn't question it and just went to grab a cup of coffee. After pouring coffee for herself, she turned around and almost dropped the cup. It was Javier who stood in front of her.

"Hold up- how did you get here so quietly?" -she slightly tilted her head.

"I've...been wanting to talk to you. Since no one was awake yet, I thought this would be the perfect moment. Let's just...sit down at that table over there." -Javier pointed at the table. Charlotte quietly followed him, curious about what he had to tell her.

"So...um...it's about John. I've seen the way he looks at you and I've got to say, I'm jealous." -he explained as he looked away from her.

"You...what?" -Charlotte asked with a shocked expression on her face.

"You heard me right!" -Javier looked into her eyes. "I've been too blind to notice you had feelings for me...but things change and-"

"I...don't have...feelings for you anymore." -she interrupted Javier's response. "I'm...sorry." -she then added before she took a sip of her coffee.

Javier's eyes widened in pure shock as he realized that he fucked up his chance.

Then he sighed before saying...


"I'm not hating on you or anything, I just wanted to make that clear. It's just that...my feelings for you have faded." -she clarified.

"I...okay." -he nodded before he stood up from the table. "I'll go back to my tent." -he added before he walked away. Charlotte nodded before taking another sip of her drink.

'I fucked this up real bad...'

Javier thought to himself.

'What else was I even supposed to say to that?'

Charlotte thought to herself as she gently shook her head. Then she rubbed her eyes and when she reopened them, she saw John walking towards her.

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