Chapter 43

331 13 13

Diya's POV :-

'Ok Iftiya I am going to room next to this !' I said carrying my bags

"Yeah okay ! "She replied laying on bed

"If you need anything...
don't call me ! Just come it's not much far okay ! "
I said glaring at her with a smirk

"Ah... sure !" She replied

"Okay !" I said walking towards door

"But can't we share a room together?"
She asked with confusion

"No.. I don't wanna listen to lovers crap and all !" I said rolling down my eyes in tantrums with a smirk

"How can you.... "She said getting up with a blush and fake cry !

"I don't wanna be a thrid wheel darling! Now you can talk to him as much you want okay !!" I said peeping from outside and then closed the door with a smile !

I walked inside my room which was all neat and clean.
I kept my belongings to table and jumped into bed to get a afternoon sleep !
Ofcourse all those thoughts were not leaving my mind but still I can't ignore my beauty sleep because of these thoughts right !!

As soon I get on bed my phone got a notification, I grabbed my phone and it was Ankit's message.
I instantly clicked his message and suddenly a pic of Aarav popped up !

He was sleeping very peacefully clutching his own arms and fitting in sofa .
For a moment I just stared at the picture from which his innocence was seen , a genuine smile appeared in my face making my heart flutter just to see him calm and cute like this .

I jerked off all my thoughts and put the phone aside !
While I layed straight on bed with my hands clutching arms .

Then I instantly clicked that there was a message too with pic..
I opened Ankit's chat again and saw the message saying ..

"Did something happened there ? Aarav is behaving so weird after talking to you!!"

Ankit's message left me unspoken for a moment because the fact that I didn't told Aarav anything was eating me up from inside..
Then how did he get to know all this or even does he know about this ? Or is that something else !!

"What are you talking about? "
I messaged Ankit

And after few minutes I got his reply saying..

"Are you free right now !? Can I call ?"

I waited for a minute and then agreed .

Ankit said as soon I answered the call

"Hey!! " I replied softly

"Did something happened there ?" Ankit asked being worried

"Uhm... no why ?" I replied because my father's behaviour was not a issue to tell.

"Then why did Aarav said like that ?" Ankit said

"What..??" I asked

"That he told you not to go there and blah blah all things ..."
"I thought something happened and you told him that !! "
Ankit explained but I was still confused

"But I didn't told him regarding anything that happened here !!"
I replied

"But what actually happened?? "
Ankit asked

"Nothing... just my father behaviour and all the stuff that needed to be clear between me and my father !!
But it didn't needed to be informed to Aarav ! "
I replied

"If you didn't tell him about all this then who did ?" Ankit questioned genuinely

"I.. I don't know ? I mean I just don't get this !!" I replied jerking off

"Well.. Iftiya also knows about this right !?" Ankit asked out of nowhere

"Yeah.. but there's no chance of her to tell him right ? "I said being sure of it

"Why not ? I mean if you didn't tell him then it's her only and when I asked her that if something happened then she didn't replied a single word !"
Ankit replied and he sounded a bit angry

"But they don't even talk to eachother and even if they talk , why would she tell this to him ! I means it's so irrelevant Ankit ! "
I replied getting irked of all this things

"See diya I know that you knew it already when I told you that Aarav knows it , ofcourse you're a lawyer and you got the mind it's just you don't want to accept that !
Ankit clearly stated and I actually didn't have words to reply him because he actually guessed it right !

I knew it ! The moment he said that Aarav is behaving wierd and the only name came that across my mind was hers not because I don't trust her but because I am noticing her behaviour and that's too evident!
I felt suddenly shrugged off because somewhere Ankit knows me better than both of them maybe !

"I'll talk later Ankit! Bye!"
I replied instantly and cut the call my hands were shivering as something grave had happened!

I genuinely already guessed it somewhere that they both are hiding something but when it came front like this why I am so triggered!
I failed to control my tears that rolled down from my eyes to cheeks.

How many more heartbreak do I need god !! I screamed but not loud enough to be heard by anyone else

I quickly started walking in my room to control my emotions and because I knew that my crying scream are much louder than this and it's not hard for me to handle it.

It's better to die at once then to die daily with a new betrayal!
Why ? I still don't have clue that why will Iftiya ...
If you all think that I am reacting like this just over this thing then not !
Because I already knew that there's something going on between Aarav and Iftiya.
It's just I don't understand why they both needed to lie !
Let's say Aarav is a born lier but why Iftiya I mean why she did this !

But anyway it's not new for you Diya Aren't you trained for more harder things than this from childhood!

I noticed the big mirror in the corner of my room ! I walked straight in front of it and stood there watching myself or say gazing at myself without any sing thought !
My hands were straight to my body and it was only stillness on my body .
I realised that maybe these are signs of being depressed or something I don't know and I don't care too !!

I just tried to put a smile...
One time , two time and then it was a perfect fake smile as always!
Then I crawled to my bed and got a peaceful sleep !

Yeah peaceful....
Just like the femal lead of every dramas, folding hands keeping on my stomach, a smile , and cuteness overloaded even while sleeping!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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