Chapter 10

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After much long time of riding his car finally stop and my hatred too....
I don't even believe how can I hate him and at the same moment behave very normal with him...I can say I am a good lawyer....

We were standing in front of his company.....stared at each other...then forwarded first floor ...

He was looking very angry....
As if he will kill her immediately knowing she cheated on him.... in that way but yes ..

I was not able to control myself from seeing his face...I don't know why but inside I was feeling very if someone completed my plan...and gave him the pain.....
Yes...I enjoy seeing him in pain....
But I have to help him as It's my reputation also on stake....

We entered the floor....
Navya....come inside my cabin right now...he screamed without even seeing her....he straightly went to his cabin...I followed him...

Navya  nervously enters his cabin ...
I can see her hands were shaking.. you know Varun Nigam..?? He directly asked her without even thinking twice...
Navya's eyes were stretched to its end corner...
What...wh...whoo..Varun Nigam..I don't know anyone like....

Don't you dare to tell a lie Miss Navya...he dashed his hands on table making very loud noise.....
Whole floor went silent ....even a pin dropping sound will make noise...

His eyes were filled with rage ...
Navya start blabbering as soon he shouted...
Sorry sir...sorry...I didn't mean to do it....I really..

How did you do this ..I asked as she confessed...

That day when Mr Aarav sir got that international file he told me to put it inside his cabin as he needed to attend a call....
As soon I get that file I took a picture of it...and send them to Varun...

So you were the one who leaked it's pictures..Right!!!

No...I send them to Varun Nigam...
And he is the one who did it...

Get out.!! He said as soon she confessed and told everything...

Navya walked away with her head down crying badly...

So...this is our second witness....
It's enough for us to prove your innocence...I said looking at him..

He was not concentrating ...he was looking down the table with the most disappointment feeling...

What happened...I know that its a bit hard for you to accept it but...

I already accepted it...but its just ...I don't like being cheated....
It just give me a very bad feeling...

O really the man who always cheats every one and break everyone's heart is being upset about being's unbelievable
I thought on my mind making a disgusting face towards him...

But the truth is that this man really disgusts he behave like a bipolar every moment...
One moment he is very sweet and always do reasonable things but on other hand he is a cruel person who doesn't care to hurt anyone ...

Never mind you will be the first one Diya make him realise what he made people go through... specially you....I muttered to myself..

So...all set he said with a sigh ..
Yup!! Congratulations Mr Singhania
For your victory....

Yes ..and congratulations to you also Miss have won a high professional case.....No wonder you are a good lawyer....

Yes it's hard to believe but he just praised me .....

Let's meet at court ....the day after tomorrow.... I said with a smile and walked away without even listening his answer....

I booked a cab!!!
Oh shit....Anita ....I totally forgot about her.....
I looked at my phone....there were uncountable missed calls from her....
This whole mess had made me forget to tell her everything....
As soon I reached the hotel I went to her room....
She opened the door....

Finnally you remember me ma'am ..
She said with a smirk....

Wait you are not shocked or wanna ask me where was I from one and half day ....

No....I know you were with Mr Singhania.... did you know ....did he told you.... were the one who doesn't noticed me....
I noticed you every time you got out with Mr Singhania....
But that day you didn't return where were you .....she asked me doubtfully...

Oh...that day....let me get freshen up I am so Tired....I tried to change topic.. and went to my room.

Such a tiring soon I entered I jumped to my bed ....and as soon I jumped all thoughts started popping on my mind......and again my eyes were filled with tears....

Let's just forget it Diya....
Why are you making your life hell and messed up by taking this revenge and all....My inner side said

No are not like's your profession to fight .....and now you are not fighting for your own....
You need to make him realise how is it to be humiliated.....again my inner voice popped up ....

I was fighting with my own self....
At last my mind won as always....
I never decide any thing by heart because it's always with wrong logic...

If you want your life to go as per your plan ..then you need to listen to mind ..and I am also going to do it...

Just one more day and I will make your life completely change ...
I don't know that what I am going to do is right or not....but I am just going to do it.....

Aarav's POV:-

I know Diya know me....
But I am just wondering why are you not telling me....
Is the reason same or something else is the reason....
I will wait until day after tomorrow and then also if you are not gonna speak then I am gonna confront you...
I hope everything will go well after winning this case......

I know I am ending this chap a little shortly but believe me upcoming parts are the most precious one...
So stay tuned to know and keep your support.....pls vote for it..

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