Chapter 16

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This chap is full of emotions so pls read it and also vote for it
It's going to be exciting knowing their journey from here...

     ..........The moment came.......


Even my heart didn't know what to feel neither my soul was feeling something....
I don't know that I should be happy that I am marrying the one whom I have crush or should I say love because I am sure on this thing that what I had for him was not just the feeling for a was like my soul is attached to him....

But why..why ....I sobbed ....

I was standing in front of a large mirror wearing a big white gown and a diamond necklace with a booklet of flower in my hands.....

I looked at myself....
Yes you can Diya can do it...
What if he is the one whom you loved once or even now you still haven't moved on....what if you are longing for his warmth , love , care that you will never get ...

Don't forget...that he is the one who made you shattered, who seperated you from whole world , who snatched your life , your family ,your happiness and don't no what more..

My legs weren't helping me move on..
My hands weren't helping me wipe off my tears...
But still at the end there I was standing with a booket of flower in my hands ....

It's okay...everything will be okay....not that he will fall for you...but that you are gonna make him feel tha same as you....

A knock on door maked me come out of trance ....

It was Ankit...
Let's go diya....

I took a deep breath....and hummed as I started walking with a high heel which I don't know when will make me fall on my face...

I reached there ...the place where a new story was going to beggin with a victim turning into villain....

It wasn't as complicated as it looked but this story is more twisted than you all think....even they don't know what their fate holds for both of them.

He was standing in black tuxedo with his two chest buttons open ...
A perfect watch shining in his hand and ...and...he was just looking perfect groom...waiting for his love of life as ever happens...but it was a little different right now he is waiting for someone whom he despised from core of his heart and look..where his destiny brought him....he is marrying the one whom once he rejected and hated....huh....I smirked a little at his reaction on seeing me...

He stared at me like I was the one who he was longing for a very time I was his whole world but my mind, heart, even my soul knows that I am the one whom he hated and despised the most since schoole time...

But nothing to worry I will make sure to make you head over heels for me...

And then leave you know how it feels....

Stand near him diya...
Ankit's sudden voice woked me from my thoughts ....

Ye...yess..I said ...and I moved a bit closer to him as he was standing just beside me....

I can feel pair of eyes gazing at me constantly but I didn't have courage of looking at them while standing just beside him...and specially at this moment.
           " Rings got exchanged"
  "  Two souls became one together"
"  Two people's destiny get crossed "

* It was done we were part of each other's life or to say most important part*

A tear came across my eyes but it faded in a I decide that it was a happy moment for you diya you can't waste it on crying like this...

You have got your chance diya I screamed as soon as I came to my room....

Ah..ahhhhhh.....But still my heart wasn't helping me was shattering in pieces I don't know why long tears were rolling down my eyes.....

Aarav's POV:-

It was done.....
I sighed....
I know that the decision I made wasn't wrong but still my heart isn't favouring it..
Why ..because this marriage isn't based on love ....because this marriage is just a contract.....because this marriage don't have two soul that the reason....

But Don't you forget you are Aarav Singhania....these petty thing like love , affection , care doesn't matter to you Aarav....

What choice you have made is logically and practically  right....

And you know that this marriage is just for your company's and Diya's reputation sake...
It doesn't matter much....

Maybe a little soul was trying to pacify himself with is own words...but little did he know that it wasn't his doing....all thing is set up by his fate with one more little innocent soul craving for vengeance.....

I know that I don't love her....I know...I know ...And I can never ever....

She isn't meant for me....Just some couple of months and then she will be freed and that what she also wants...

POV end....

Two souls were now connected with each other due to their fates or destiny whatever it is...

One was ready to make another feel the same pain and hur as hers....and other was sure enough to not fall for that ....

But little did both of them know that they are bonded with each other now ..if one is going to feel pain the other one is also going through the same ....

Isn't it is said that we are telling our mind something that our heart know is a lie.....I think this is what happening with both of them...hope you all understand
Anyways I am ending this chap here...
Hope you all like it ...

Did you all loved the dicision made by Diya...what she doing is right or not..??

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