Chapter 30

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Let's do it”..I said making my decision to remove that video from internet.
*Are you really a lawyer”...he asked with a smirk..
You have any doubts”...I said leaning towards him and giving him a gaze..
Don't you know that it'll need both of our consent to remove that video...huh”...he said leaning towards me and surpassing his laugh into a smirk..

Wtf did he just insult me”....but what matter to me more right now is that there's only little gap left between us and as soon I noticed I stepped back..
He was still looking at me..
Our consent will be needed when we'll be alive Mr Aarav”...

What”...he asked in a confusion..
Look straight at road... didn't you said you aren't a hero or something..then you should know that they are the only one who don't with an accident while doing these scenes with heroines...huh”..I also said with the same exspression as him and teased him.
He took a pause while realising something that even I don't know...
After a moment he said..

Did you just said that you are my heroine”...a small genuine smile appeared on his face...while his eyes constantly fixed at me waiting for my response ..
My heart really skipped a beat after knowing that what I have said in hustle...
No I am just saying that you're not a hero”...I said making myself calm..
I actually wanna laugh out loud by his antics and the way he find out talks I say mistakenly about him.
After hearing my reply he twitched his eyebrows in a sign of whatever..
But deep down I know that he can be a hero but I can't be his heroin... never..ever..

So don't you think we should remove that taking action against the person who made this video”..
I asked genuinely for his opinion..

I don't think so”...he said without even explaining his reasons.

Why” ...I asked in a gentle tone this time..

Because that video doesn't mean's right that we can take action..but it'll hurt the person who made this with lots of expectations and love from us and from people who love us”...

His talks feels a little sensible to me..I mean that the person who made this just wanna show that love do exist...
Its just not their fault that they think we are a genuine couple... sometimes it hurts to know that we are cheating the whole country and mostly the people who loved us and care about us..
They don't mean any harm to us or our reputation...

Hmmm..I hummed at his sensible they were really meaningful.
“So you still wanna do it..then it's on you...I support you.. because it's related to you also.”.
he said to me in a gentle tone with a Little regret in his eyes..

Aarav giving me all the rights for making this decision even when he doesn't want to..really amazed me.
Anyhow this showed me his sincerity towards the people who love him.
I took a pause when I realised something..

Sincerity...don't you think it's a bit bragging word for he is not sincere it's just he need alls support to grow his company...that is the reason why he can't hurt them all.. otherwise Aarav Singhania is the person who never cared about his loved ones.
Person who love him or respect him are just a toy to him.
When his work will be done he will throw them out of his life like a garbage . This is what Aarav Singhania is... suddenly all flash back from the past start reviving in my heads...all the sufferings and agony I have gone through just because his sincerity came on my mind ..
And it hits me hard to realise that I was really getting close to him no matter how but I was...I was forgetting that this person can't be for someone in his whole life..he is just a bipolar...
My mind started getting irritated...
Suddenly I felt very hurt..and I was getting furious at myself for thinking a little positive about him.
I surpassed my feelings and opened my eyes filled with tears upto end and getting red like blood...
I decided to maintain the same distance that we have when we met...
And that's when a thought popped up to my mind..

I am going to my father's house for some day."..I suddenly announced it changing the atmosphere in the car..
It was whole silence..he didn't replied for the very first moments..
He suddenly pulled the brakes and parked the car at side of road...we were just few minutes away to reach the company..

Why.".he asked looking towards me ..

I knew that he is waiting for an answer or a look towards him from me..but I wasn't in the mood to answer ...and about looking at him is total rubbish...

I don't think I need to answer you Mr Aarav...can't just I go my home when I want to.”.I didn't even took a glance at him ..I looked straight towards the roads through the window shield.

You are answerable to me Miss Malhotra... because wheather you like it or not I am your legal husband.”.
He sounded angry but it didn't matter to me..

Just for namesakes Mr Singhania don't forget that”...I smirked at his reply thinking he could surpass me by saying those bullshit to me..

He didn't have any reply ..he just seated back and started the car ..
I was sitting all straight with my hands folded and my eyes shut..
Swallowing the pain inside I was all fine..and without even letting out a single drop of tears I gulped down my pain which was so hard to compress..

I knew I am making this all awkward..but it's one understands it but deep down I know that it's good for both of us to not get close... otherwise it'll hurt both of us ..and definitely him.
We reached the company and without even saying a word or letting me out..he went straight to the parking lot..and parked the car...
As soon he parked the car he opened his gates and started walking towards the lifts..he didn't even looked back to see that I was still sitting inside the didn't matter to me..
I slowly stepped out and maintained my expressions..and started walking towards the lift.

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