Chapter 13

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Hello everyone this chap is based on
DIYA'S POV about the court case...

We were going to enter court room...
My legs were shivering not because of nervousness but because of the decision I made was right or not...
But anyways even if it's wrong for my heart but still I am gonna do it...

Judge was going to washroom so we all seated in our places....
I can see him from the corner of my eye staring at me continuously without blinking ...
It looked he was worried seeing me like this but I didn't have enough courage to see him in his eyes and not remember what he have done to me...

Why!..diya.. why?! have always make down your opponents but...but..this time you are making him win....
Huh....this destiny is also very cunning....the person whom I want to see going to win because of me ....and I will be the one who will make him win....

Sometimes I think that my principals of life are back firing on me...just because of my so called profesionalism ...I can't make him lose...but it's okay if..
God really have delays in its house not darkness then I will get my opportunity very soon...

I saw him with my worried and sad expression he was looking at Varun Nigam with a small smirk on his face...
That burned me up ....his smirk was telling me that he has whole confidence that we are going to win...and unfortunately its true...

Judge arrived so our proceedings with case....

It didn't take more than one hour to close it ....and verdict was in our side obviously....
Judge asked Aarav to decide about Varun Nagam's punishment....and it really surprised me ....when Aarav said to forgive him with just billions of fine that he have lost....he said to give him another chance.....

I didn't believed my eyes ...he was really enjoying teasing Varun with a smirk and that smirk was large enough to be called a smile....and I hated that with core of my heart....

He looked at me and I also made eye contact .....
His eyes were shining with pride as he have won a trophy which no one could....and I hated that pride to see in his eyes but I faked my smile looking at him....and I think it didn't take him time to realise that  I was not happy...

Don't know how but this man surely understands me completely sometimes......

We all were going outside as it was over now ....
I started moving forward ....
When we went outside there were so may reporters and media ....
Whole court was in chaos because of soon as Varun exited they all surrounded him and started asking questions ...
Which put shame on his face didn't reply any of the questions ...and directly went inside his car with a furious look in his face....

Actually to say honestly....I was also enjoying winning this case....
That pride I have also got in my eyes when I saw all reporters looking at me  with a congratulations look.... be honest I was a little bit happy....and more sad...

Aarav stepped forward towards me ....
I am sure what he was gonna asked ....
There were confusing and worried looks on his face..... obviously he is good at faking ......So am I ....

I even know that he knows the truth about my identity and today we were going to confront each other....he was definitely going to mock me.......

I not dared to step back and My eyes were almost filled with tears .... remembering those moments that I have to relive again at this very moment....

Wait Miss Malhotra....
He said with a gentle tone....

Ye Mr you need something else....I said as I didn't know anything....

He was coming towards me and his each step was making my heart being ripped slowly in parts ....when His PA Ankit came rushing towards him and showed

I...I...he was just going to complete his sentence ....

Shit boss....
It's urgent.....

I noticed Each and every reporter recieving kind of message and looking in their phone very silently....

Aarav looked at me as soon as Ankit said something to him....

Please god I don't want anything or any trouble for now.....I am really tired.....

Everyone was looking at us.....
Yes at me and Aarav.......

So here I am ending this chap ....
Hope you all enjoyed it.....
Updated after a bit long time .....
Next chap is coming up so stay tuned...

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