chapter 2

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it's been days since Ravan left her beloved city behind. tired, hungry and thirsty she lays on the ground feeling like she's gonna fall asleep when she hard people talking. she forced her weak body to stand up and hide as the people walk past. as she sits there   keeping her eyes open she heard the voices stop, before she could stand up and heard a voice that was close to you it made you jump in fear and than everything turning black

"hey hey she's awaking up" you heard a faint voice as you slowly wake up, your vision is blurry at first but than you see people
making you  jump up of the ground grabbing the closest weapon near you and pointing it towards everyone "stay back or i'll kill you" you warned as this  Zariel Tiefling lady comes up to you and gently places her hand on your arm "it's okay little one we won't hurt you" i look into her eyes as i feel the sword drop from my hands and brings my hands closer to me

"im-im sorry oh my gosh' you gasp as i look into the barbarian eyes while she smiles at you softly "it's okay i got you" before she put her hands on you again you pushed her away and started running until you got lifted up into the air "PUT ME DOWN NOW PLEASE" you scream in fear as you hit against this persons back,

you hit the ground again and you look up staring at everyone "please please im beg for you, don't take me back there he kill my mother and im scared he'll kill me too" you cried out as everyone looks at each other confused "we are not taking you anywhere? is someone after you?" you nod as you wipe your eyes "i don't wanna talk about it" you take a deep breath and softly smiles at the beautiful lady and she returns with a smile back

she gives you her hand and once you touch her hand you felt a burning sensation which made you yank your hand away as soon as you stood up "i'm sorry hun are you okay" wanting to comfort you she stood back as you nod "i'm okay i just never came across who burns it's really interesting" she smiled and places her hands on her hips "well what's your name? i'm karlach" "Ravan"

you heard a gasp as a face toward the direction you see a warlock "sorry i'm wyll but your kira's child am i right?" he looks at you as you nod softly beginning to feel scared again, you start thinking he take you back to your father so you start to breath heavily and karlach notices "okay easy with the questions your scaring the little girl" she points at you as he walks up to you and stares into your eyes "you look so much like her and don't worry i won't take
you to your father your mother-"

"now that was a delicious meal" everyone looks towards a man and when you look towards the direction you see a elf with white hair, beautiful red eyes and blood around his mouth licking his lips removing the blood and than he looks towards us "what's going on here than" you watch as he walks closer to the group and than those red eyes land on you making you feel weak, you never left this kind of weak before... it felt good, no one says a word while me and this... very good looking man stares at each other "and who. are. you." a smirk forms on his lips, your lost of words because you never met someone so handsome before all you could do is break eye contact with him and look down at the floor "Ravan" you say before making eye contact with him again seeing that smirk while he cleans the blood

"astarion nice to meet you... ravan" he winks at you and walks towards a tent as wyll rolls his eyes and looks back at you "don't mind him he's annoying" you look at wyll and take a deep breath without realising you held your breath looking at those mysterious red gorgeous eyes

That one vampire// Astarion story Where stories live. Discover now