chapter 5

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this took me a few days to write because of work 😫 but i have matched it to the game BUT i'll be changing it around a lil 🤭
i hope you guys enjoy 😚

you wake up in a strange place, with karlach by your side and everyone else is talking to someone, you grab karlach hand not knowing it will burn you until you feel a tickling sensation while holding her hand "i'm not burning you" she says while i make eye contact with her "huh that's strange-" wyll comes over witnessing what is happening and he smiles "your just like your mother" confused as i was, i was still processing what happened before i passed out.

i eventually you stood up while holding on to karlach still surprised that your hand is not burning off, it's like
this thing in your head somehow activated something which made you wanna explore more of what this thing can do. "ahh she's awake how are you feeling" gale said smiling at you making you smile back as you walk over to him "i'm okay but what's happening here" you look at a map that's on a stone table until you see another tiefling "we need halsin but we do not know where he is, i've been told that he was heading towards the goblin camp" you freeze on the spot "goblins??? they are real???" the tiefling man looks at you funny "oh sorry i'm ravan-" gale cuts you off making an awkward laugh "she's not from here" you look at gale wanting to smack him but you hold back and continue to listen to the man "and where can we find the goblin camp" " west from here, but you have to go straight through blighted village"

i get explore this place and it's beautiful, magical and filled with nice people. the tiefling children enjoyed your company and showed you around the place, eventually astarion joined in but you couldn't help get a feeling that someone is watching you but you push away that feeling and continue to follow the kids. it's getting late and pretty much everyone is asleep but you.

your laid in your back with your eyes closed but you could hear footsteps getting closer and closer until you feel a hot breeze near your neck. you open your eyes "astarion???" watching his face turn from hunger to worried "shit i can explain" he backs away as you stood up crossing your arms "your a vampire" he tells you hush and pulls you to the side so no one could hear you guys talk "i wasn't going to hurt you... i needed well blood" you stare at him still having your arms crossed while looking deep into his eyes as you look deeper you see his fangs "i can't believe i didn't see this, we even found the boar you snacked on" "i'm not some monster Ravan. i feed on animals, boars, deer, kobolds. whatever i can get" you let your arms lose to the side as you continue to listen to him
"i'm just... to slow right now too weak. if i just have a little blood i could think clearer. fight better" you think about it, biting the inside of your mouth as you stare at him "please" his voice softens when you finally nod "fine but not a drop" he smiles while he moves closer to you and you feel your heart beating faster "but first... do you trust me" he stares down at you while you feel your heart pounding out of your chest, you stare at his lip as you nod" i do" you look up into his eyes  "well get comfy than"

you lay down on your bed facing towards astarion, he holds you close to him like you guys are kinda like cuddling, with your hands on his back he whispers into your ear "this will only hurt for a moment" you close your eyes as you feel him plant a kiss on your skin than a sharp pain travels around your neck as his fangs dig into your skin. you start to feel numb and your vision start's getting blurry.

That one vampire// Astarion story Where stories live. Discover now