chapter 9

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after getting back to the camp you change into some new clothes as the other ones are wet from last night, you gave astarion his shirt back. after a while everyone started to wake up and than you hit the road again. before you know it a man appears out of nowhere in some fancy clothes and he gives you a funny look "well met, i'm raphael and you my dear look familiar" he says as he stares at you with a little smirk while you wrap your arms "well you don't look familiar to me" you add while crossing your arms looking into his eyes "it will probably come to me soon but for now i can help you with your little problem' he smirks "let's go somewhere more private than this... disgusting place" he adds as in a blink of an eye your in a completely different place, shiny things everywhere, beautiful decorations but your getting a deja vu feeling like you've been here before but have no memory. Raphael notices that your confused while admiring his place "what is this place" you say "this is my home, house of hope" you continue to admire the place before you see a shadow of wings which makes you turn around. with surprise you see a devil. raphael is a devil.

he continues to stare at you admiring his place before he snaps you back to reality. he says something about a deal removing the tadpole that's in your head and he eventually took you back to where you was before. the air finally hits your face and the smell of the grass is strong. "well than... a devil wants to make a deal with us" you turn around to look at everyone as you bite down your lip "lae'zel what do we do" you add she as looks at you and she shakes her head "i'm not in charge that's the shoe eater" "excuse me i have a weave in me that needs magical items to keep me sane" gale adds as you roll your eyes "don't be eating my swo-" "that's enough both of you" you stare at them "someone's gotta be the leader of this... group" "i vote for Ravan" asatrion puts his hand up than the rest puts their hands up too making you smile softly "nahh i can't lead" you say "lae'zel can" lae'zel rolls her eyes and shakes her head "no" "deep breaths ravan let's just drop this for now and let's see how things end okay?" gale steps in and lowers your arm than you make eye contact with him with a sigh "fine" he claps his hands together with a happy smile than rubs them together "let's get a move on than. goblin camp here we come. lead the way ravan" gale says as he steps out of your way and gestures you to move forward while you roll your eyes.

after a while you got the goblin camp but before you and the others enter you set up camp and rest for the night. you feel a strange feeling like someone is watching you, you open your eyes and you see some glowing eyes than they turn into the most beautiful brown eyes you ever seen "who are you" you say as you sit up getting a better look at this handsome guy with some armour on "i'm here to protect you from transforming and the absolute" he stands while standing up and gives you his hand. you grab hold of his hand and stand up while looking at him than you look around and you see floating rocks around you, beautiful purple sky. you let go of his hand as you stand closer to the edge admiring the place "be careful there" you feel his smile as you turn around and face him "what is this place? who are you? i have so many questions" you say as you look deep into his eyes looking for an answer "i can't say anything right now but for now i need you to embrace the illithid powers. they will help you defeat the absolute" before you could say anything else you see flying people around you "shit they found me remember what i said" "will i see you again" you say as you look at him while he smiles at you "i promise you will" he smiles than everything disappears

you open your eyes to see the blue sky, the smell of burnt flesh. you sit up looking around your surroundings confused on what you just dreamt of "oh good morning my dearest friend" you turn around and face a smiling astarion "hey i had a strange dream about a handsome man" you say while looking at astarion "is this handsome man me by any chance" he smirks as you look at him making you roll your eyes "oh you wish" you add "but he said something about these illithid power" his smiles "i think i had the same dream. i'll say let's embrace this power. take as much as we can and kill these cultists" he sits down next to you "it's certainly tempting. especially when a handsome man like that from my dreams" you sip your water while looking at astarion watching him roll his eyes making you smile.

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