chapter 3

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you pretty much met everyone and they are all friendly lae'zel i believe is the leader of the group she's lovely but she doesn't play nice, Gale on the other hand, he's like brother it was really fun talking to him and of course you have ' karlach she is just so funny and if i ever felt like i'm in danger she'll be the person i'll go to haha ' as you wrote in a book that Gale gave you while sitting around the campfire by yourself "well hello there darling" you quickly close the book and mouth "fuck" recognising this voice

you look up at those red eyes again as he just about hovers over you smirking at you, you sigh and stand up facing his chest ' gosh he's tall ' you thought as you look up at him "so what is an high elf like you doing here" he says walking around you slowly making eye contact with him " and why should i tell you" he chuckles moving closer to you making your heart beat faster "oh darling i might get it out of you if you don't tell me" he says moving your hair out of your face keeping eye contact "fine if you wanna know so badly, i ran away from home and i feel safer here" you keep your ground as astarion is so close to you, your basically touching his arm while he looks down at your neck, than your lips than your eyes smirking "ain't you a little trouble maker" he pulls away as you take a deep breath "and what about you astarion" you smile as he place his hand on his hip fixing his hair "that's a story for another time love but for now i'm looking for dinner" he smiles and stares at you "care to join me" without a thought you said "sure" 'oh my why would do that' sigh to yourself and follow astarion to grab food.

while you both was walking you put on your cloak hiding your face as you feel astarion watching you and you look at him "what" "oh nothing just curious why you wear that ridiculous thing" he adds as you roll your eyes "i wear it so people don't see my face,
there is people looking for me" before you know it he grabs your arm and pulls you close to him as people walk past, a cart goes past you while you look up at astarion seeing him staring at you. you smile as he he coughs a little and pulls away as you continue to smile at him "stop that" he whines as we continue to walk letting out a chuckle "what you saved me" he smiles softly while looking at you and looks in front of him.

after a while you found some nicer clothes and a nicer cloak, the dress showed a lot of your cleavage. the cloak was a lot more softer and black helping me hide from people. i return to astarion "so how's this" you say as you do a little turn, astarion checks you out and you can see in his face that he was lost of words "astarion" you wave your hand in his face and stares at you " i really like that" he smirks again as we continue to walk more until we saw a wild animal, astarion tells you to turn around confused you turn around anyway not knowing what is happening, the animal made a noise than you heard his voice "dear you can turn around now" you slowly turn around and see the animal is dead, your heart breaks for the poor thing but you gotta eat somehow after not eating anything for days.

you return to the camp and everyone stares at you "well well well Ravan is that you" karlach jokes as you smile while sitting next to her, you put the hood down and everyone gasps "you look so much better with brown hair i didn't even recognise you" gale said as you thank him, you used to have ashen hair but you wanted to look different so people who are looking for you won't recognise you

throughout the evening everyone talked about the next plan and the next fight with you sat there enjoying your food and secretly stealing some of karlach food but once she caught you she tried to fight for her food back by chasing you around the campfire and the tents. you never had this fun in years, you never laughed this much in years and it felt... amazing, your free, surrounded by amazing people. even maybe a little crush on astarion.

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