chapter 11

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apologies for the wait, a lot have been happening 😅 but i hoped you enjoyed this book so far🫶🏻
i also love minthara so i'm making her join the group with halsin it might not be in the game but it will be in ma book 😹🥲

you can't do the idea just yet as you need to kill the leaders of this goblin camp, preparing for a big fight but while the others are preparing you pull asatrion to the side "oh what can i help you with darling" he smirks as you looks down at you while leaning on the wall "let's meet the drow" you smile "the leader? why" "because i never got to meet a drow and do you think it would be cool to have a drow on our team" you tap his arm as he rolls his eyes "fine" you smile at him while he looks down at you and in that moment all you could think off was his lips on yours, his arms wrapping around your hip while he pulls you closer to him "astari-" you was cut off with his lips on yours you couldn't help but kiss back placing your hands on his arms while his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer "ravan" you hear karlachs voices as astarion pulls away while she spots you both and crosses her arms while smirking "come on love birds we gotta get ready" she winks and walks off leaving you and asatrion turning red "well than i guess we should get going" you say hiding your face but you feel asatrion place his hand under your chin and lift your head up making you look at him, he places his lips on yours again one more time before letting go "that was for luck my dear before you ask" you watch him walk off to join the others while you stand there not knowing what to do "fuck"

after defeating two leaders you are left with the drow, which made  you turn around and face halsin " we have one leader left but this leader is a drow " "you would like to convince her to join" you nod while smiling softly "if it doesn't go to plan we can kill her but i feel that she is more than just an enemy" you watch as halsin thinks and he smiles at you "let's do this than" you smile at him and you start making you way to the drow. excited you are nervous feeling comes over you when you see a glimpse of white hair and pretty lady sitting by a stone table, you take a deep breath and step forward "stop right there" you freeze as you turn to face the drow pointing a sword at you "give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you for killing my goblins" you stare into her eyes as you start to feel the tadpol wiggling as you start to feel someone is in your head "uh goblins are trash and pointless" you pick up a dead goblin and wiggle it in front of her "i mean look at this thing, it's smelly and... dead" she looks at you while putting her sword away and moves closer to you "i feel like i've met you before you" you let a nervous chuckle while you look at the others and back at her "i think your mistaken for someone else ma'am" you smile at her while she steps back but than you feel something leaving your pocket, as you look you see the artefact glowing "you have it, you-" you look at her confused "is everything...okay?" "my's quiet the voices has stopped" you look back the artefact as it drops into your hands "this artefact stopped it for you protecting you from the cultists" "but-" "all do respect but there's no buts, the absolute has been lying to you and we can make a stop to that, to them" she's nods "i must return to the moonrise towers im minthara and you MUST meet me there" you nod as she walks off and you at everyone else "oh i like her" you smile.

back at the grove you see all the tiefings smiling again while running around "you did it, you cleared the way we are free to leave" zevlor said as he walks up to you smiling "it's okay goblins are fun to kill" you smile as he brings you into a hug. " we should celebrate can we come to your camp for a celebration for the night?" "of course you can, we can celebrate before you leave" zevlor walks off as karlach stands next to you along with wyll "you did good soldier" "no we did good" you smile as you walk with them "i mean you was more of a leader" wyll added as you shake your head "no we worked as a team anyway i think it's time we head to camp so we can party" you pick a create of wine and beer while smiling at them "oh my god yes where did you find these" you smile as you give a create to wyll "the goblin camp, and don't worry i got tested and it's all fresh and nothing is wrong with them. i picked the best and clean ones" karlach smiled and jogs back to the camp with you and wyll behind her.

it was cute lil celebration at the camp, everyone was enjoying there self drinking,laughing and dancing. you walk up to astarion but before you could even say a word you could tell he was drunk "oh astarion are you drunk" he huffs as you move closer to him "i think the goblins would of throw a better party than this" he adds while taking a sip of his drink "and this wine is SOO weak" you take his drink and take a sip of this dry wine while pulling a face "see what i mean. it's awful" you give him the bottle back as he continues "all i want is a bit of fun. is that so much to ask?" you cross your arms as you stare at him "what's you idea of 'fun' asatrion" "by the hells. sex my dear, a night of passion " you both stare at each other as you watch a smirk fall apron his lips "let's wait until everyone is asleep shall we" he pulls you closer to him and the smell of alcohol coming from his breath making you push him away with a smile "i'll see you tonight than" he smirks as he takes a sip of his drink "indeed you will my love"

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