chapter 6

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you wake up and shoot up "woah easy there soldier" karlach says as she walks over to you while you rub your forehead than remembering what happened, you look around and than you land eyes on astarion. you stand up losing a bit of your balance than stomping to towards him. "hello darl-" before he could
finish you punch him "ouch okay okay i understand your upset" you stare at him as he laughs nervously and looks back at you "upset??? you almost killed me" you say starting to get angry he places his hands on your shoulder making you feel calm. "i apologise darling and thank you for trusting me, now you know i'm a handsome vampire" he smirks while winking at you, as you try your best not to smile "i promise to only suck the blood from our enemies" you eventually let in and smile at him while you push his hands of you and he grabs your hands "okay deal but ONLY our enemies" you say as he kisses your hand and smiles at you "glad we get to agree on something"

eventually everyone got back on the road, and we started to make our way to blighted village, ' wonder if there's treasure there' you thought as you bump into shadowheart "shit i'm sorry" you never really to speak to shadowheart as much but something about her is mysterious "it's okay kid" she smiles softly at you and walks off than you feel a arm on your shoulder making you crave your dagger and pressing it against gale's neck "don't kill me dont kill me" he puts his hands up  as the knife is pressed against his neck. "oh i'm so sorry you scared me" you laugh nervously as you pull the knife away from him "that was some impressive move solider" karlach puts her arm around you smiling and than looks at gale rubbing his neck "very impressive, i'll make sure not to startle you again" he smiles at you as you can't help but smile awkwardly back "now let's go" lae'zel said walking off,

you follow while astarion catches up with you "about last night" you look at him "i let you drink my blood but i didn't mean almost killing me" he smiles at you while you look into his beautiful red eyes "your blood is something my dear but it also got me thinking what the others would taste like" you smile as you face towards you than looking at the others "i would say lae'zel would have that delicious strong taste" you smile "karlach would be something spicy because she's incredibly hot" you wink at astarion than you both laugh, "i would not lay a hand on karlach, she'll burn me to 4the hells" astarions adds making you chuckle "she'll tear your 54skin off just by one touch probably" you say looking at astarion catching him staring at you, he snaps his head towards him while you smile looking forward towards you than catching gale looking at you. he catches you looking at him and he also snaps his head forward. 

Blighted Village

"is that a goblin" you say as you see a small ugly green creature at the entrance "no it's a dwarf" you look at gale "but it's gre-" "i'm joking with you" you hit gale's arm softly smiling "let's say hi" you was about to leave but gale grabs your arm "i don't think that's a good idea" "oh come on, i didn't know they was real until today" you say as you make puppy eyes towards him "look at THOSE eyes gale, how can you say no" karlach adds while
you try to keep the fake sad face looking at gale, he sighs and looks back at you "fine but be careful they could attack us" you smile while you kiss gale on his cheek with excitement while
gale rubs his cheek smiling a little and walk up towards the goblin

"oi stop right there" the goblin said as you look at it "oh hi there, i need to get through" you smile at the goblin while you start entering the goblins mind "your with the absolute?? why should i let you in" you look around to see if she was with anyone than you grab on to her shirt pulling her closer to you "listen here pip-squeak, i need to see your boss as they can explain what's happening to me so let me through or me and you are gonna have problems and this 'absolute' you speak of will be disappointed in you as well" you say while the goblin looks at you with fear in its eye "y-yes your absolute's" you let the goblin go fixing her top smiling "i'll let the absolute know you did well" you walk past her while she lets everyone in "that was impressive Ravan" you smile while looking at gale "why thank you"

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