chapter 7

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everyone is sat in a bar in this village and you get time to adventure around... with astarion of course as he pretty much begged to come along. while looking around the place for supplies you hear a strange sound, kinda like moaning. you look at astarion hoping he's hearing the same thing as you "can you hear that" you say as you grab his arm pulling him towards the sounds and they start getting louder and louder until you reached to a barn door "oh i hear it now" he says as he place his ear against the door while you do the same staring at astarion "you know what we should do" he whispers with a smirk "what" "let's open the doors" he steps away with a big smile on his face while you step away with him. you can't help but smile as astarion kicks the door down.

your smile drops as you see two creatures having sex you look at astarion to see him smiling than looking back at the creatures "ruined! smash ILL SMASH YOU" the big ugly lady shouts as you stand back grabbing your weapon "RAVAN WATCH OUT" you hear astarion shout as you pull out your weapon and without a thought you start attacking the beast, stabbing and slashing until it drops, a grin appears on your face as you stand over the lady covered in blood "Ravan my dear you okay" astarion says moving closer to you, slowly he place his hand in your arm making you look at him snapping you back to reality "w-what just happened" you grip on to him while getting down of the lady "i don't know you tell me? you didn't listen to me like you just blacked out" he looks deep into your eyes while you look down at yourself covered in blood "how are you feeling" he adds while helping you wipe the blood off your face while you think of something to say but all you can think about is joy after killing someone "i feel fine, weirdly enough i feel... happy" you look at him while smiling.

"oh what in the nine hells what happened to you" karlach looks at you while you smile at her and lie "me and astarion got dinner tonight" you place a boar on the table smiling at everyone "oh it was probably a messy one than i guess" "why was i not invited" lea'zel adds while pointing a dagger at you "no offence lea'zel but it wouldn't be a good hunt with you by our side" astarion said while lea'zel grunts.

you lean against karlach while everyone is sat around the camp eating the boar that you 'fought' but your mind still lingers to when you killed that lady. she was having sex, the best time of her life than the next she was getting stabbed by you. you stand up and walk towards the water hiding away from everyone while you take your clothes off and dropping them into the water while you start rubbing the blood off "ravan" you hear while you jump into the water "i'm in the water" you say while you turn around and see astarion looking down at you "what you doing in there" he smiles while looking down at you "i need a clean as i have blood all over me" you say while looking back at him he takes his clothes off and he jumps into the water while you smile covering your face voiding the water landing on your face. you feel your hands being pulled away facing those gorgeous red eyes, you admire his facial expressions, his smile, those beautiful red eyes. you feel his arms being wrapped around you under the water pulling you closer to him inches away from his lips.

That one vampire// Astarion story Where stories live. Discover now