chapter 13

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you stand in front of gale with your arms crossed wondering what to say "i may be the only person who can defeat this absolute" he adds while you shake your head "i will not let you kill yourself. even though you are a pain in my ass gale i still care about you and there's always another way to defeat this evil" gale pulls you in for a hug while you just stand there and you awkwardly tap his back with a awkward smile "ANYWAAY lets head on shall we before it gets dark" you pull away from gale while giving him another tap on the back "yes lead on"

this place is filled with darkness, darkness you felt before. you grab a torch near by while looking at the others "i don't like this place one bit and it feels cold too, stay by mama k i'll keep you warm" karlach smiles as she stands next to you and than the others join with you. "hey hey i see some light over there" you say  while pointing at a group of people "stand down ravan might be a few enemies" "who's there" you heard as you stare at karlach with a sorry smile and you stand up showing yourself "who are you" "i'm-" before you could even finish your head thumps like someone just hit your head with a hammer, the pain continues making you black out. you dream of a man playing and dancing with you. you feel at home, happy and safe. not a single care in the world because you feel safe with this man smiling at you "father"

"ravan can you hear me" a voice echoes as you slowly open your eyes and you come face to face with everyone but they all look worried making you feel uncomfortable "why is everyone looking at me like that" you say sitting up rubbing your eyes still feeling that thumping feeling in your head "um... dont panic but-" you look around seeing yourself on a bed surrounded by people you don't know "where am i what happened?" you panic wanting to get up but lae'zel and astarion holds you down "you grown horns out of head, literally horns" you got given a mirror and you stare at yourself seeing red strong eyes and horns popping out of your head you scream at your reflection dropping the mirror panicking more feeling tears falling down your cheeks "hey hey it's okay calm down" astarion wraps his arms around you while karlach and astarion both comforts you "what happened to me" you say while a old elf walks into the room and you watch karlach smiling while you lean your head against astarions shoulder "i've seen a lot of crazy things in my life but this i haven't seen" the lady says while sitting down looking at you "and who are you sorry?" karlach grabs hold of your hand from excitement "that's jaheira soldier" she whispers while jaheira stares you down while you give her a small smile "what brings you here anyway" she says while grabbing a chair and sitting down "we are here to defeat the absolute cult" you rub your forehead gently "get some rest we will  speak when your ready, i know how to help" she adds before getting up and walking off

after a while your horns disappeared and your back to your normal self. while your snuggled up to astarion playing with his hair as he sleeps while your smiling to yourself maybe i do like him you snap out of your thoughts as astarion looks at you while a pout face "why did you stop" you realise you stopped playing with his hair while letting out a giggle "apologies my dear shall i continue?" he nods while laying his head back on your chest and you continue to play with his hair while you chuckle "your a baby" you hear him huff making you smile while gale
walks in but you notice his smile disappears and he coughs "sorry for the interruption but i'm just seeing if your okay" you smile at gale while astarion sits up "i'm okay but how are you feeling?" you ask sitting up too "i'm feeling fine must be worried about me hey?" gale winks as you roll your eyes "of course i worry, you got told you have to kill yourself" you add while gale smiles "when your feeling better we can have a better conversation about this for now i'm entirely glad your okay" you pull gale into a hug and he walks off "i think it was be a waste of perfectly nice gale" you smile at him as you kiss his cheek

i'm already on my 4th play through so hopefully i can remember what happens in act 2 😭🥲
enjoy and sorry for the long wait again 🥹

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