chapter 4

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i finally got the game and i've been playing, i guess you can say i'm obsessed with it 😻

during the night you wake up from hearing movement, panicking you open your eyes and you see astarion moving slowly but quietly away from the camp, you thought of following him but your body is just to tired to get up.

"WAKE UP" karlach shouted making you shoot up and hitting your head against karlach head and feeling the burning sensation on your forehead making you giggle "oh shit i didn't mean-" she stops while your chuckle to yourself while watching her worried face to a playful smirk "why you laughing for" "it's so adorable when you get worried" you add as flames appear around her "are you blushing" you point your finger at her as she rolls her eyes and stands up "don't start with me missy now get up we are on the move again" she walks off

finally on the move after a long morning of trying to wake up gale, the poor guy was to weak to move as he needs some special artefacts?? to keep him strong and sane, "hey is that a boar" you look up to see a dead boar in the middle of the road and you move closer to take a closer look "i think we should leave it alone in peace... while it's resting" you look up at astarion confused " i mean we can take some of its meat and have it as dinner later" everyone agreed as astarion shock his head crossing his arms "something probably already got at it, like look at that cut right there" you see where astarion was pointing at and you see two fresh holes inside the boar "ahh i see okay this boar is no use to us anymore" everyone groans and continues to walk head as i stare at astarion while he stares at me back "can i help you darling" that dangerous smile appears again as you feel yourself becoming weak but you don't show him "there's something mysterious about you astarion" you say as you walk off while
hearing him chuckle"

while walking along side lae'zel your head starts to hurt making you drop to your knees, groaning placing your hands on your head while gale places his hands on your shoulder helping staying calm "easy there i got you" you heard gales sweet voice as you control your breathing "do you think she had-" "i believe so but she was never on the ship" they keep talking until you finally told everyone to shut up angrily. you managed to stand up and all of a sudden you see a memory or something someone eating rats... "Ravan you good" you snap back to reality looking at shadowheart not knowing what to say so you just nod while rubbing your head "it feels like something is in my head" you say as everyone faces just drop making you more worried "what? what is it??" "you have a tadpole Ravan we are connected" you start laughing not believing what gale said "you can't be serious a worm in my head" you continue to laugh and than another memory shows up, blood everywhere... fire... dead bodies like it was war.

you stand back away from everyone "what the fuck is happening" "stay calm, we are near Emerald grove we are looking for answers there about this thing in our heads" gale says as he holds you still. so much is happening it's making you feel overwhelmed and than everything just turned black...


i'm currently working 9 days in a row rn so the next chapter may take longer than expected ☠️ but i hope you enjoyed it 💛

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