chapter 10

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"shadowheart i think this is yours" you hand are the artefact while she looks at you "how did-" she sighs "i felt it come to you. whatever is inside it's attached to you. keep it for now but i might want it back" you hold the artefact in your hands trying to find a way to open it "oh believe me i did try myself when i got my hands on it" shadowheart mentions as you sit down next to her "i remember i had a weird dream of this guy telling me about these powers and i think it's because of this" you look at shadowheart hoping for an answer "i had the same dream. but in my honest opinion, i don't think it's a good idea yes this person might be protecting us from transforming but consuming the power? i'm not sure" you stare at the artefact "i might consider it" shadowheart looks at you "you sure? it might turn you" you look back at her "im not worried about that at the moment but im thinking of the power that will help me defeat my father and this cult of course" you put the artefact back in the chest and lean back on the log.

you enter a place filled with goblins and the smell of burnt flesh is much stronger than it was outside. you can't help but throw up in a corner "oh you good ravan" karlach laughs as she holds your hair back "all good. i'm all good" you say standing up straight and wiping your mouth "let's go shall we" you smile as you hold
your nose while the others chuckle at you. you have a lil wonder around seeing goblins torture a guy and you wanted to join so badly but you held back and continued to look around, you came across this strange man just to realise he tortures his clients as well. you even got to have a turn and this pain felt amazing but obviously painful you could tell asatrion was certainly enjoying this view of you. you cry out begging for mercy as this guy groans in excitement "that's it my child you was wonderful" you turn around facing the guy as he smiles at you, you couldn't help "thank you that was quite the experience" he smiles at you "no thank you my dear you was incredible" you smile at him one last chance before you walk off and karlach holding you stand "how do you feel?" "i feel good that was good"

"but i wanna meet the drow she looks cool" you say as asatrion throws you over his shoulder while you try and wiggle your way out "no, we need to meet with this druid man not the leader of the goblin camp" gale adds as you huff giving up "it's okay after meeting this man than we can meet her" asatrion puts you down and wraps his arm around you while you cross your arms "this halsin man better worth it" with that said you notice a bear behind bars "wait is that a fucking bear" you say as you move closer to it and than you notice ugly little things throwing stones "hey what you doing to this bear" the kids turn to you and pass you a stone "have a go it's so funny when it whines" you push the hand away "no and i would advise you to stop" you look deep into the child's eyes as you feel this thing in your head wiggle with excitement as you watch the kids smile disappear and replace with fear "we- we're sorry ma'am the bear is yours" you watch the kids run away and you turn your attention to the bear, looking deep into its eyes you see it's not just a bear but a shapeshifter you put your hand through the bars letting the bear sniff your hand than you feel a wet feeling on your hand realising the bear licked your hand as you smile while chucking 'ew thats cute but gross' the bear makes a purr sounds "let's get you out of here shall we" you smile at the bear as you stand up looking at the team "we need to find a way to get th-" "ravan look out" wyll grabs you and pulls you to the side as you watch the bear break down the bars than a group of goblins come rushing in. "oh shit"

you stab the last goblin than to face the bear but you see that it turns into a rather large man hovering over you smiling "well met, im halsin" he smiles at you as you can't help but stare with your mouth open "i'm sorry for our friend here she's rather new to these things" wyll adds as you let your lips form into a fake smile "that's all good but thank you for saving me but i don't want to interrupt your miss-" "you can join us" you say out loud and than cover your mouth as you cringe "haha i would but i have other matters to deal with" "we-we can help you but in return you can help us?" you add "and what would you like help with" he smirks softly "we need to get to the moonrise towers to destroy this cult we have a tadpol in our brains that was put there by mindflayers" you watch halsin's fave change expressions "you've been infected by one" he kneels down to your hight making you grab hold of karlachs arm she laughs quietly coving her mouth "i-i am" you stutter as watch halsin examine your face "i will help you if you help me defeat these goblins to save the grove" you swallow hard "you got you a deal" gale says as you turn to look at him and nod as a thank you while lost of words because of this man

you could feel  jealously while you talk to halsin. looking around you saw asatrion watching you both as you smile slightly 'he's jealous hey? that's kinda cute' you thought to yourself and than a smirk appeared on your lips while coming up with an idea.

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