chapter 8

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if your under 18 run away 🫣


you couldn't help yourself so you kissed him and by surprise he kissed back, the kiss between you both felt passionately and filled with lust. you wrap your arms around his neck while he his hands explores very inch of your body, caresses your boobs than you feel himself pressing against you leaning your head back while letting out a soft but quiet moan. he pulls away grabbing your arm and taking you deeper into the woods far away from camp. he picks you up wrapping your legs around him and kissing those again and without a thought you playfully push him of you and lay him down sitting on top of him while moving your hair out of the way of your neck exposing your neck to him letting him suck your blood again.

he smiles wide and flips you over so he's on top, he pulls his underwear off along with yours before sinking his teeth into your neck while feeling him enter inside you making you grab on to him and digging your nails into his skin letting out a moan while feeling him feed on you. you began to feel him thrust in and out of you making you moan a bit more louder as the pain turns into pleasure you hear him moan into your ear making your stomach do a flip while digging your nails in a bit deeper. throughout the night you both moan and groan needing each other, your bodies grinding against each other, your hands leaving scratch marks on his back while he keeps thrusting in you.

you wake up with a little chill realising your naked, you look around and than you face astarion, he's arms spread apart while he enjoys the feeling of the sun on his pale skin, but your eyes land on this scar that's on his back "what are you doing" you say as you stand up looking for your clothes "feeling the sun, i haven't gotten the chance to feel the sun as i would burn but this... tadpol made my dreams come true" he turns around and looks at you while smirking "what are you doing" "looking for my clothes" you found astarions shirt and you put the shirt on realising it's quite baggy on you "well don't you look cute dear" he says while tilting his head while looking at you "stop staring" you smile "by the way what is on your back?" you say while you watch his family fade "i'm sorry i didn't mean- if it's personal i understand" you say with a worried voice making him smile softly but than it fades again " cazador did this to me. i was basically his slave to torture" you look at him while you feel bad for him, looking into his eyes you can see the sadness and trauma he went through "you didn't deserve that, but look at you now free away from him because of that tadpol we carry" you smile softly at him while watching his facial expressions change to a much softer look, he looks at you and his smile is a soft but sweet smile "we should head back before anyone gets up"

i'm so sorry for the long wait i've been busy with work life 😭
but hopefully this next one will be out either tomorrow or wednesday.
have a lovely/evening guys 💛

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