chapter 14

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you found the energy to stand up again but a pounding headache is still there. you had a conversation with jaheira about a plan to defeat this ketheric thorm man, you also dump into the devil himself, "raphael" you said crossing your arms staring at him as he makes eye contact with you and a lil smirk appears on his lips "ahh it's my favourite mortals, i would say have you dealt with that tadpol of yours but i can still see that twich in your eye" he smiles "actually this one is not mortal she's a devil" karlach adds as she leans her arm on your shoulder while raphael hums while keeping his eyes on you "how interesting what makes you think she does not smell like the hells to me" "i grow horns and my eyes was red along with my skin" you add. raphael pauses for a moment "there's nothing i could do to help but i'll most definitely see you all again soon" "i have a proposal to make" astarion adds making you look at him "if it's for my blood it's rather hot" raphael chuckle as astarion rolls his eyes "it's not about that devil it's about these scars i have" "wait what scars" "ahh you didn't tell them spawn let's show them" before you know astarion is in his underwear but you can't help but cover your mouth so you don't laugh than you look at his back to see the scar covering his whole back, you can't help but touch the scars than feeling astarion relax by your touch. "now that i can help you with but when the time comes i will tell you" before you could say anything he disappears.

before heading to moonrise karlach grabs your arm and points at dammon "soldier look who it is" you smile at her and drag her to dammon. dammon smiles once he sees karlach "oh my i thought you would be by baldurs gate by now" he smiles staring at you and karlach "nahh we gotta beat some bad guys first before we do" karlach adds "but anyway news about my engine heart" you watch as dammon smiles fades and makes eye contact again "well we have good and well... bad news as well" "well i say we hear the good news first" you smile as karlach nods "but you need some of that infernal iron that will make you-" "TOUCH PEOPLE?" you smile  "well i picked some up on our way here" you smile passing it to karlach and she passes it to dammon.

he starts slamming against the iron as you try and watch what he's doing "there that should do it you just i need to install it yourself" he passes the iron to karlach and you watch as she installs it into her chest "did it... work?" you turn around "astarion" "no she might break me in half darling" he says turning around as you roll your eyes "i'll do it" shadowheart says as she walks up to karlach and pulls her into a hug watching karlach smile while she hugs back "thank you" she says pulling away "karlach the bad news?" dammon adds while you all stand around listening "ah yes go on" "your not gonna survive on the surface... i think it's best you go
back to Avernus because that engine of yours will explode" you just stand there in shock, not knowing what to say "let's not worry about that now we should celebrate you get to touch people karlach" shadowheart says as you watch karlach relax a bit more " yes we should. thank you dammon" "your welcome, stay safe all of you" you and karlach wave at him than you nudge her "i think he's into you" you whisper to karlach watching her turn to look at dammon and back to you "no he doesn't" she huffs while her flames burn brighter making you smile.

at camp you look up at the beautiful night sky covered in stars with a full moon looking down a you. while you admire the sky you feel someone lay next to you. you make eye contact with astarion while he smiles "you look happy are you drunk?" you say as you turn your whole body to look at him "i had drank on a bear" he says while whipping blood of chin "that sounds... delicious" "not quite but he did have some of my blood but i took all of his" he smiles proudly while throwing his arms above his head while you start admiring him "you should be more careful" you smile as he turns to face you and he smirks "i'm always careful darling" he plants a kiss on your forehead while pulling you closer to him, wrapping your arms around him feeling his cold skin against yours. you feel him relax than you both drift to sleep.

the next morning you woke up in astarions arms "whoa" you heard him say you look up at him with a confused expression "is everything okay?" "your a devil again princess" he smirks as you feel the horns on your head "oh my gosh" you say standing up while astarion checks you out "someone's excited" he says cheekily while you grab the closest clothing to you and throws it at him, he picks up your bra that you throw at him "i'm keeping this thank you darling" he smirks while walking away leaving you with a red face.

i'm so sorry for the long wait 😭 a lot have happened and i didn't get enough time to complete this chapter
hope you enjoyed it 🥹🤍

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