Chapter 11

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Arielle feels something brushing against her cheek and she opens her eyes, her vision blurry. she blinks a few times and looks over at the figure next to her. simba was caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, looking into her eyes with a smile on his face. she grabbed his arm, rubbing his wrist and goes to sit up but instantly feels a pain shoot up her head and her hand goes to touch it.

"fuck, my head" she says, rubbing her forehead and simba looks over at her, replacing her hand with his.

"yeah, that's what 5 cups of liquor will do to ya" he laughs, rubbing her head and she thinks back to last night and about what happened. she touched her lips, her mind replaying the scene in head and she smiles. she looks over at simba and she kisses him, she proceeds to put her tongue in his mouth but he backs away, rubbing his hand over his mouth.

"I don't do morning kisses, plus your breath stinks." he laughs, getting up from the bed and putting his socks on and she slaps his arm playfully

"I need some weed" she groans, stretching her arms out and laying back down.

"I have a joint in the top drawer, it's all yours. i'm gonna take a quick shower and then we can go see harry" he replies, finding some boxers and a towel. he leaves the room and arielle rolls over to the other side of the bed to find the stick of happiness. she opens the top drawer and starts moving around the stuff inside and then she knits her eyebrows together and squints her eyes. she moves a pair of socks to the side and takes a closer look. what the fuck? she sees a small glass bottle with liquid inside of it and a needle sitting next to it and she picks up the bottle but before she can start reading the label, she hears footsteps approaching the door and she drops the bottle and slams the drawer closed.

simba opens the door and begins to say something but looks over at her. he looks at the drawer, noticing that it's cracked and looks back at her. he tilts his head and she notices his jaw hardening, staring into her soul. she internally cursed herself and forced a smile. shit, it must've bounced back open.

"what were you saying?" she says, her voice coming out shaky. get it together ari. simba squints his eyes and walks closer to her, sitting down on the bed. he grabs her hand and kisses her knuckles.

"I was asking if you were hungry." she lets out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in and nodded her head. "yeah, we can grab something before we get to good samaritan." he nods his head and looks back at the drawer. "the joint is in the drawer on your side. I pointed to that one just before I left." he retorts, his jaw still hardened and eyes fixated on the top drawer she just opened.

"s-sorry, I forgot" she stutters and rolls over to her side to retrieve it. she hears the other drawer being opened and closed and grabs the joint and the lighter, closing the drawer back. she turns back to simba and holds up the goods.

"you're not taking a shower?" she asks, lighting up the joint.

"I am, just forgot something." he replies, holding up a balled up shirt.

"well, do you wanna smoke before you get in?" he shakes his head and grabs the shirt from the bed, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek and leaves the room. she shrugs her shoulders and takes a drag from the joint. she instantly feels the pain in her head go away and she keeps smoking until it's done, placing the bud in the ashtray. she looks back at the drawer and the temptation to look through it starts eating at her so she reaches over and opens it up again. she starts moving around the stuff again and she furrows her eyebrows together.

she moves the same pair of socks to the side and looks closer in the drawer. she doesn't see the bottle of liquid nor the needle and she sits back on her elbows, tilting her head. did he take it? does he know I saw it? was it drugs? a couple minutes pass and she hears footsteps approaching and she closes it back, correctly this time and the door opens. simba comes in wearing a black shirt and black boxers, his hair dripping droplets onto his shirt and he towels dry his hair. she stares at him, taking in his figure. he's so cute. he notices her staring and smirks, dropping the towel into the hamper.

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