"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer
"Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom
"You too?"-interviewer
"Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...
She took the brush from your hand and started to brush your hair She was talking to you about the fight "She slapped you and it was so weak"-Maddie She said laughing "Like your head didn't even move"-Maddie You laughed "And when you pulled her hair one of her extensions came out"-Maddie She said laughing You started to laugh SKIP
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After two minutes Tom walked over He looked at Maddie Maddie nodded She handed Tom the brush "I'll be right back"-Maddie She walked away Tom sat behind you He stared to brush your hair It was silent He would grab piece by piece Brushing it softly After finished he set the brush down and leaned down His head was on your shoulder "You okay"-Tom "Yea"-you "You don't have scratches"-Tom "I don't think so"-you "Bruises?"-tom "I don't know"-you "Let me check"-Tom He started to lift up your arm Checking for marks He was moving you side to you Then he grabbed your face He started to move you head to the left and to the right You started to laugh He moved your hair to the side Checking your neck It tickled so you started to laugh SKIP You were sitting next to Tom Talking about Kaylee "And then she started to touch my dreads and I was like what the fuck"-Tom "I know I seen your face"-you "Like I'm fine with people I know touching my dread but usually they ask first instead of grabbing them"-Tom "I know like she didn't even ask she just went straight at them"-you SKIP
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It was time to leave and your class was walking out the aquarium together You were walking behind the group You were looking around Then Tom stopped to catch up with you You were in the back with him talking You guys got on the bus You got paired with Tom You and him sat at the back "Do you want window seat"-Tom You shrugged He let you go in first and gave you the window seat SKIP While leaving you saw Kaylee walking out the aquarium Her arms crossed and her hair messed up You laughed SKIP You started to fall asleep SKIP When you woke up your head was on the windows You were living a lot since the bus ride was bumpy Tom noticed you were uncomfortable He moved you to his arms He was now hugging you while you slept You body was leaning on his shoulder and his chest SKIP When you woke up you guys had pulled up to the school You were in toms arms You got up He seen you You had a confused face on "Sorry"-Tom He said letting go "It's okay"-you You guys got off the bus You were still half asleep SKIP
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You guys had spent the whole day at the zoo and aquarium All the student went to there lockers and grabbed there things While you were zipping up your backpack someone walked up to you You turned around and it was alessio "Hey"-you "Hey"-alessio He started to talk to you "We'll I gotta go bye"-alessio "Bye"-you He gave you a hug and kissed your cheek You shut your locker Then you turned around You walked downstairs You got a call from your sister You picked up "Did you win" Your sister said "Win what"-you "The fight you had" "I think I did" "Tell me what happened in the car" She said You hung up You walked out the school doors You saw your sisters car You got in She talked to you about what she heard "But I'm glad you defended yourself"-Ashley SKIP You went inside your house You took a shower and changed into pjs You were tired You watched a Halloween movie in the living room SKIP
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It was now 6:00pm You got bored You changed into your actual clothes and went outside You got your skateboard and skated around You were alone You were listening to music You were skating around SKIP 7:00 You went back home On your way into your neighborhood you seen bill He waved hi "Wanna come to the studio with us"-bill He shouted from across the street "Yea sure"-you SKIP You were in your room You grabbed your headphones and a hoodie and went outside "I'll be home later"-you You shouted running out your house