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I few more minutes into the movie you started it get tired
But you didn't wanna leave early
you noticed Tom would turn over at you once every 5 minutes
While you were watching the movie he looked at you
You looked back at him
He didn't look away
💭is he gonna look away
He was still staring
You looked away
And when you did he did too
At the end of the movie when Sean was gonna race someone
"This is my favorite part"-you
You sat up in your seat
Tom did too
The song switched from Tokio drift to bandoleros
When you movie ended you were so tired
"I was falling asleep in my seat"-Georg
"Me too"-bill
You guys got out the theater room and went upstairs
"Ima go guys it's late but thank you"-you
You went to go give bill a hug
You hugged him
Then Georg then gustav
When you went to go hug Tom he hugged you first
You got caught off guard since he went pretty quick
You left there house
You walked to your
Which was right across the street
You walked in
It was 2:25am
You went straight to bed
(Idk what day it is but I'm pretty sure it's the weekend)
You woke up at 9:00
You showered and cleaned your room
Your sister was still sleeping so you wanted to clean the house as well, so she can wake up with a clean house
After maybe an hour the house was clean
She woke up at 10:00
You and her made breakfast
While you were scrolling through Instagram you got a text
Form bill
It said
"We are gonna record our first song at the studio wanna come"
You asked your sister
She said yes but to be home by 3:00
You called bill and asked what time
He said in 30 minutes
You quickly finished eating and went to go get ready

SKIPI few more minutes into the movie you started it get tired But you didn't wanna leave early you noticed Tom would turn over at you once every 5 minutes While you were watching the movie he looked at you You looked back at him He didn't look aw...

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You did your mascara and said bye to your sister
You ran across the street to there house
You knocked on the door 
You heard
You opened the door
Bill was in the living room putting his shoes on
He was singing and rehearsing a song
"Is that the song your gonna be singing"-you
"Yea I'm nervous"-bill
"You'll be great"-you
You helped him pack his bag
You guys got in the van
You were in the back with bill
He was very scared
"You'll be great just be calm"-you
"I'm reallllyyyy scared"-bill
"Just believe in yourself Okay, this will all be good at the end trust me"-you
You were really supportive of there whole band thing
You were happy for them
"Wanna hear the song?"-bill

I'm really sorry I haven't been active
Im a bit focused on other thing
I'm really sorry guys

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