After a few minutes you and him went back to holding the Lego set
You finished the rest of it in 40 minutes
After that you and him were laying on his bed
Watching tv
He kept trying to find ways to touch you
Especially your hands
Under the covers you guys had your fingers interlocked
"Come here"
He got up
"Be right back"-Tom
He smiled at you and kissed your hand before letting it go
He walked out the room
After a few seconds he came back
The door opened and he came back into bed
"Miss me?"-tom
He got into bed and then you got on top of him and started to kiss him
"I thought you said I had enough for the day"-Tom
"I said that about you not me"-you
You were about to go in
But he adjusted you
You put your arms around his neck
And he put his hands on your waist
You leaned in
"Hold on"-Tom
You took your arm off of him
He seen a shirt laying on the bed
He put it on
You waited there
"Okay ready"-Tom
He said putting your arms back on his neck, and his hands back on your waist
You leaned in
"Hold on"-Tom
He said leaning away
Your rolled your eyes and got off of him
You didn't want to anymore
He got up and then locked the door
He layed back down
"Now I'm ready"-Tom
"I think I've had enough for today"-you
You said getting up
You sat down at the end of the bed and then went on your phone
He was staring at you
"Okay I'm ready now sorry"-Tom
He said patting his lap
"No I'm good"-you
He got up
He walked over to you
After a few minutes he convinced you to go back
You were on top of him again and you were about to lean in
When someone knocked on the door
You rolled your eyes
You let out a huge sigh
You got off of Tom
He got up to answer the door
He unlocked it
You went back on your phone
He opened the door
"Why is the door locked"
You heard
It sounded like Georg
"I was changing"-Tom
"Oh well we are gonna be right back"-Georg
He shut the door and locked it
He went back to bed
Your back was facing him
You were on your phone
He layed down behind you
He started to rub your back
You and him were watching TikTok's
You scrolled
It was an edit
It was an edit of Tom playing the guitar at the concert
You started to laugh
After a few minutes you guys watched dance moms again
He was holding your hand
Your not that big of a person on physical touch but if it came from him you liked it
He was rubbing his thumb back and forth on your hand
You kissed his cheek
He started to blush
You and Tom got bored and build a blanket fort
He had his own room and you had yours
You were in there
Then he goes over to your room
He said resting his head on his hands
"Do you like wanna kiss"-Tom
You looked at him
"Do you like wanna go back to your room"-you
"I'm serious"-Tom
"Me too"-you
He started to beg you
"Maybe later"-you
"That's a Yes"-Tom
"I didn't say that"-you
He stayed in your half of the fort
He kept staring at you
He had a baby face
Which you liked
You couldn't help but look
"We'll ima go up to the bed and chill there ...alone"-Tom
You rolled your eyes
"I mean if someone wants to join me they can but they hate me"-Tom
"Tom I don't hate you"-you
He left the fort
You started to think
Maybe a small 5 seconds won't hurt, right?
You got out aswell
He was on the bed on his phone
He looked at you and smirked
You got in the bed
You weren't gonna let yourself go that easy
"Tom do you have a tank top I can borrow"-you
You were still in his shirt from the beach
"Closet second shelf"-Tom
You got up
You wen into his closet
You took off your shirt
You had your bikini top on still
You walked out the closet
Taking a tank top with you
"Is it okay if I wear this one?"-you
He stared at you
No at your face but at your umm you know
You put the tank top on
You got back into bed
"Are you teasing me"-Tom
"Why would I be teasing you"-you
You went on your phone
You could tell tom tried to ignore you
But he kept staring at you
"How about we play a game"-tom
"What game"-you
"Hide and seek"-tom
You were a bit bored
"But if I find you you have to kiss me"-tom
You rolled your eyes
You agreed
He started to count
You went out the room
You went to the theater room
You thought you might as well just chill
You sat down on one of the seatsOGMOMGOMGOMG

Fanfiction"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer "Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom "You too?"-interviewer "Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...