He took it from you
"Thank you"-Tom
He said going in for a hug
You hugged him
You put your hands inside his jacket since the backpack was in the way of his back obviously
"Ima go finish up wanna come"-you
He's never been in your house before
You guys walked across the street
Your sister was still sleeping
When you went upstairs you opened the door for him
He walked inside
He said looking around
"It's kinda like my room"-Tom
You picked up your perfume and sprayed it on you
You set it down
He picked it up and sprayed some on it on him
You didn't to think anything of it
Maybe he just liked smelling good🤷🏽♀️
You had a record player
He walked up to it
"You like the smiths?"-tom
He said looking at the albums you had
You were brushing your hair
You and him talked for a little bit more
Then it was time to leave
Maddie's mom was taking you and her to school
You and Tom walked downstairs
You walked out the house
"Bye see you later"-you
You gave him a hug
He said hugging you back
He walked across the street
And you walked next door to Maddie's
You opened her house door
You went up to her room
You opened the door
She was putting her backpack on
"You ready?"-maddie
On the car ride there she was telling you all about the game yesterday
"And then he gave the other team a yellow"-Maddie
"They deserved it they are self centered"-you
You guys got to school
You said bye to Maddie mom
You got off the car
"So what was Tom doing at your house"-Maddie
"Mhmmm sure"-Maddie
You and her walked upstairs
You put your things away
You and her hung out for a bit
The bell rang you and Maddie went to history
After history was photography
You walked into photography
You sat down
You were on your phone
Texting some people on Instagram
When Tom walked in
He sat next to you
He said leaning in for a hug
You hugged him back
The teacher gave instructions and you guys went to go get cameras
"Y/n can you do me a favor"-teacher
"Can you check off the people's names"-teacher
He handed you a clip board
You took it
You stood next to the teacher
"Next is Aliyah"-teacher
You checked off her name
You checked her off
You checked her off
You checked him off
You got your camera
You were looking for an SD card and a battery
You found them and sat back down
You got your camera to start working
You started to take photos of Tom setting up his camera
You guys were going outside
You guys walked out the school doors
You were with Maddie and Tom
You guys were taking photos of each other
It took around 5 minutes to get to the park
You were walking in silence
When you guys got there you immediately walked to the pond
You were taking photos of the water
Since it was pretty clear
You felt a flash form your left
You looked
Tom was taking a photo of you
You got up
He said trying to walk away
After fighting with him he still wouldn't delete it
You went back to taking photos
He said pointing in the water
He was pointing at a rock
"A rock"-you
He was about to reach his hand into the water
"Your gonna fall in"-you
"I won't"-Tom
He put his hand in the water and took out the rock
"Look it's a heart"-Tom
He said showing you
You said looking at it
He gave it to you
"You don't want it?"-you
"No I got it for you"-Tom
You went on the play ground
You were on the top of the slide
What I mean by the top is your were literally on top of it sitting down
He came up
He dragged you off
"You could've fell"-Tom
You and him were sitting by the slide
You went inside half way
He did too
"If we fall were dead"-you
"We're gonna be fine"-Tom
You and him were taking photos
You were taking photos of him
You said sliding down
You ran away
You were on the swings now
You saw him come front he slide
He walked up to you
He sat on the swingsI made so many new chapters 😭😭😭

Fanfiction"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer "Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom "You too?"-interviewer "Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...