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You and him were messing around
"Want me to push you"-you
"I'm good"-you
You got off your swing
You started to push him
Then you felt a tap on your leg
You turned around
It was a little boy
"Can you push me"-boy
"Yeah sure"-you
He put his hands up
For you to carry him
You looked around
You seen some other little kids
They were probably from another school
You picked the little boy
You sat him down on a swing
For kids
You started to push him lightly
You looked at Tom
And he was just staring at you and the kid
The little boy had colored eyes and curly hair
He was a little light skin
Tom got off the swing
He started to take photos of you and the little kid
"What's your name"-you
"What's yours?"-jay
He turned and looks at Tom
"And his?"-jay
"That's Tom"-you
"Is Tom your boyfriend?"-jay
You looked at Tom
He was smiling
"How old are you guys"-jay
"I'm 13"-you
"And Tom?"-jay
"I'm 14"-Tom
(It's the middle of September so his birthday passed already)
"I'm 6"-jay
After 5 minutes
"I have to go"-jay
You took him off the swing
He said hugging you
He hugged Tom
He went with the rest of the little kids he was with
Tom showed you the photos that he took
You and him went to where the others were
"I wanna touch the water"-you
"Try it"-Tom
"Ima fall in dude"-you
"No you won't"-Tom
"Ima try and grab a rock"-you
You reached your hand in the water
It was very cold you grabbed a rock
It was a sparkling pink one
You hand was all wet
You grabbed your hand and dried it with his shirt
You showed him the rock
He looked at it and then handed it back to you
"You can have it"-you
He put it in his pocket
You went to go look for Maddie
After around 20 minutes you guys went back
On your way back you and Maddie were talking
"Is Tom coming the the volley ball game tomorrow"-Maddie
"No idea ask"-you
"Tom are you coming to the volley ball game tomorrow?"-maddie
"What time"-Tom
"At 5:30"-Maddie
"We'll Yea I'm a manager"-Tom
"Oh yeah huh"-Maddie
"Oh yeah I forgot that you were one"-you
"Anyways are they letting us out early"-Maddie
"Yea there letting the managers out early too for practice"-you
"I'm kinda exited"-Maddie
"Me too we beat them last month"-you
"But they like to start problems"-Maddie
"Yeah remember last time when that girl pushed Julia"-you
You guys got to the school
And went to the class room
"Okay guys I want to to make a new google drive folder and upload them from there"-teacher
He said as you all were sitting down
You did your assignment and put your head down
You were tired and you wanted to sleep
You had your head down for around 4 minutes

I'm running out of captions,can you tell?

TOM x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now