It was a bit brighter
The bed was huge
There were posters
"Okay okay let's go to my room now"-Tom
You guys walked out bill room
Tom opened the door for you
It was dark
He turned on the light
He had posters
And 4 guitars displayed
He had a piano in his room
His bed was huge as well
You liked toms room the most
It gave off his vibe and you liked that
After 1 hour you guys decided to go home
You helped pack up
You forgot your phone in the office that you were in
You walked in and grabbed your phone
When you turned around you got startled because Tom was standing at the door
"Oh shit sorry"-you
"Did I scare you?"-tom
"Yeah a little bit"-you
You said walking past him to get to the others
He stopped you
"You should stay over and watch a movie"-Tom
"Are the others gonna be there"-you
You looked at the time
It was a bit late
It was 12:47
"It's a bit late don't you think"-you
"Fine instead of the studio we can stay at the other house"-Tom
"I don't know"-you
You did have to meet up with some producers the next day
"Come on it will be fun"-Tom
You rolled your eyes
"Okay fine"-you
Tom smiled and you and him walked out
You both were the last ones in the studio
"Took you guys long enough"-Georg
You guys got in the van
You were in the back with bill
You and him were watching Instagram reels
You guys were in the van for about 16 minutes
You guys stopped at a gas station
"Come on y/n"-gustav
Everyone was getting out the van
You got out
"Watch out"-Tom
He said as you got out the van
"She knows how to get out a van Tom"-bill
You guys walked into a maverick
When you walked in there were 3 boys
They looked at you as you walked in
"Let's go get a drink"-Tom
You followed him
You turned around
You looked at the boys
They were staring at you
You turned back around
Tom got a large slushy
"Get something"-Tom
"I'm good"-you
"Do you need to go to the rest room or anything?"-tom
"What movie are we gonna watch"-you
"Maybe Tokyo drift"-Tom
"I love that movi-"-you
Someone tapped your shoulder
You turned around
It was one of those boys
"Can I get your number"
You looked at Tom
He was a white boy
He had glasses
Kinda short
"I have a boyfriend"-you
He walked away
You turned back around
Tom was laughing
You hit his arm
They payed and you guys walked out
You guys got in the van
"Some kid asked for y/n number"-Tom
"Was is the short kid"-gustav
You got in the backSorry this is a bit short
I'm stressing out rn because of this story🤦🏽♀️

Fanfiction"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer "Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom "You too?"-interviewer "Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...