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You guys walked into the store
You guys immediately spread apart
Looking for your own things
You found a bunch of t shirts and jorts
You have 2 jorts in your hand and 4 t shirt
You went to the jewelry section
You found a necklace that gave off a bill vibe
You decided to get it for him
You knew Tom didn't wear jewelry so you wanted to get him a shirt
You found one that had a tiger on it
The tiger was in dark colors
You found things for Georg and gustav
After 20 minutes you guys payed and left
They all got a lot of things
And so did you
You guys shopped around for things
And then made the choice of leaving after an hour of shopping and waking around
When you got down you walked Ruben to his house
After you guys dropped him off you and Maddie walked home
The rest of the day you were on your computer doing work from school
You had washed the clothes you got for Tom,bill,Georg and gustav
You you had the clothes folded in-front of you
You seen your perfume that you wear everywhere and decided to just spray a little
Not on the clothes
But on you
Since you liked smelling good
You sprayed it but didn't realize that it was facing the wrong way
It landed on the shirt you got Tom
(First off how does that even happen💀)
(I'm hating on my own writing😭)
You grabbed the shirt and started waving it around
You smelled the shirt
It smelled like your perfume
You folded the shirt up and left it
You didn't want to wash it again since that would be a waste
You left it alone and went downstairs
You showed your sister the clothes you got
And the jewelry you got bill
You planned to give it to them next time you seen them
(I keep forgetting what day it is let's just say Sunday)
You were sitting down on your couch
You were on your phone
You got a call from bill
You answered
"Wanna come to the studio with us today?"
He said
"Yea sure what time"-you
"Like in 15 minutes"
"Alright I'll be there"-you
"Okay bye"
Maddie had soccer with a different team so she couldn't come with you guys
You ran up to your room and changed

You guys walked into the store You guys immediately spread apart Looking for your own things You found a bunch of t shirts and jorts You have 2 jorts in your hand and 4 t shirt You went to the jewelry sectionYou found a necklace that gave off a bi...

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You did everything you had to do
You put on perfume and curled your lashes
They were naturally long so you didn't put mascara on
You brushed your hair and put on chapstick
Your sister was gone at a school football game
You took the stuff you got them
You closed the house door and locked it
You walked across the street
You were about to knock on the door
When Tom opened it
You paused
"We're you watching me walk over"-you
"Um no"-Tom
You went inside
You guys went upstairs
You were at the top of the stairs
You stopped
💭is he taking me to his room
You followed him
He walked into his room
He sat on his bed
He took out his phone
He pulled up his photos
He showed you the song they filmed
It was the final audio of durch den monsun
He played it
You sat next to him
You heard the song
You really liked it
"I like it"-you
"It's okay"-Tom
"It's really good"-you
He was just staring at you
💭this is awkward
He looked down at the stuff you were holding
"Oh yeah I got you guys these"-you
You stood up
You took out his things
You handed the shirt to him
"Woah where did you get them"-Tom
He said looking at the shirt
"90's vintage"-you
"I love it"-Tom
He stood up
"Thank you"-Tom
He gave you a hug
You hugged him back
"Ima put this on"-Tom
He started to take off his shirt
💭what the-NO
He lifted up his shirt
You pulled his shirt back down
"Let me leave the room first"-you
"Because your changing"-you
"So you about to take your shirt off and I'm right here"-you
He paused
He took his shirt off
"Oh my gosh"-you
You said turning around
You waited for maybe 15 seconds
Then he stepped in-front of you
He had the shirt on
"You like it?"-tom
You said fixing it
You were fixing the short sleeves
When the door opened
You turned around
"Let's go"-bill

I haven't been posting because I was working on 5 new chapters 😭

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