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You went back in
You felt his heart beat going really quick
You pulled away to get some air
He put his hands inside your shirt
His hands went up and down on your back
His hands were cold
He let you change into some of his pajamas
After that whole thing that just happened you and him were watching a movie
Your sister was fine with you sleeping over
"I'll be right back"-Tom
He went into his bathroom
He came out after a few seconds
His dreads were down
He layed back down
It was around 8:56
You guys were watching a scary movie
The lights were off
Tom was more at the end of the bed
The movie was called us
There was a part where a woman started to talk
But she sounded weird
Which freaked you out
"No no no"-you
You went under the blanket and covered your ears
Tom started to laugh he was more back
To where you were he got under the covers
"Your good your good"-Tom
He said hugging you
You guys continued to watch the rest of the movie
After a few minutes the movie got confusing so Tom had to explain it to you
When the movie was about to end there was a huge plot twist
You and him started to freak out
After the movie you were playing on his Nintendo Switch while he was watching a YouTube video
You were playing fall guys
It was a bit late
It was already 9:52
You started to get a bit tired
But then the energy hit you at around 10:02
He started to do some workouts
Since he does some every nights
He was doing push-ups
You went to go visit bill in his room
You left after five minutes and went back into toms room
He was drinking some water
"I'm done"-Tom
He layed down in bed
He turned the lights back off
You were standing in front of the tv
Tom got up and stood next to you
He watched a little bit of the show
He then stopped in front of you and picked you up
He sat you down at the end of the bed
He gave you a hug
You could smell his scent
But it wasn't cologne
"You smell good"-you
"Thank you"-Tom
You guys were laying in his bed
You were on the third episode
Tom was watching it with you
"So who's that girl"-Tom
"That one Maddie"-you
"And she's like the best one right?"-tom
"Yea sorta"-you
He was next to you
He kept looking at you
Then he layed down and rested his head on your lap
You put your had on his shoulder
And the other on his head
You were playing around with his dreads
You paused the tv and went on your phone
Then suddenly Maddie called you
It was a face time
You answered it
You said quietly
"Why are you whispering"-Maddie
She looked at her screen more
"Y/n I've been in your house so many time I've never seen that headboard in your house"-Maddie
"I'm not at the house"-you
"Then where are you?"-maddie
Tom was on his phone next to you
You showed her him
"Ohhhhhhh hi Tom"-Maddie
"Hi Maddie"-Tom
He said waving
After a little bit she hung up
You played the tv
It was around 10:48
You started to get a bit tired
Then suddenly Tom scooted closer to you
He layed down
"Are you going to bed?"-you
You turned off the tv
You decided to just lay down
As soon as you layed down Tom faced you
You were on your phone
Texting Maddie
After a few minutes you turned off your phone
As soon as you did Tom put his arm around you
You woke up
Tom was spooning you
You turned around and kissed his cheek 
You got up
You changed out of your clothes
It was around 7:26am
"Tom ima go now"-you
He woke up
You left his house
When you went inside your house Maddie was in the living room
She was in her pajamas
"Where's my sister"-you
"She went to her school to get work done"-Maddie
She got up
"Tell me everything that happened"-Maddie
She said pulling you to the couch
After telling her she was shocked
You took a shower and then cleaned up the house
While Maddie was talking to you about stuff
After cleaning you and Maddie went to her house for a bit
You and her hung out in her room
You guys talked about drama
You got a text
"Holy crap"-you
"Leon texted me"-you
Maddie ran to you
"He said if I want to hang out"-you
You got another message
"You can bring your friend with you"
She got ready and changed
You ran to your house and got ready
After you guys were fishies getting ready Leon said to meet at the roof of that building
You and Maddie walked there
After you guys got there you took the ladder down and went up
Maddie followed
You seen Leon and Marcus skating around
"Hey guys"-Leon
You guys hung out for a bit
They were pretty well known on instagram so you filmed a view skating videos for them
After a few minutes you guys went down and went to a park
When you guys got there you four were messing around
"Are we going to the fort?"-marcus
You guys started to walk into a forest
There was like green spray paint on trees and they were following them
You guys started to hear voices
You got got there
It was an abandoned skate park
Multiple people were there
There was a tree house
Leon and Marcus said hi to a few people
"Yo your the girl from that one movie"
A girl said walking up to you
"Nice to meet you I'm Mia"-Mia
"Nice to me you too"-you

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