Me to Tom fr^
He was being super nice to you
Then suddenly the door opened
It was bill
"Hi bill"-you
You talked to him for a little bit
Then he left
You and Tom were almost done
You were putting the tires on
He put the last tire on and it was finished
"This is so cool"-you
You said looking at it
You set it aside and gave Tom another hug
"Thank you"-you
"Your welcome"-Tom
He said laughing
You let go of the hug
You put your hands on his shoulder and leaned it
He knew what you were gonna do so he leaned in to
You guys started to kiss
The kissing turned into more making out
You were on top of him and he was laying down
He had his hands on your waist
Then someone knocked on the door
You got off of him and grabbed your phone
You pretended to be watching a video
Gustav opened the door
"We are gonna be right back"-gustav
He said hi to you and you said hi back
The door shut
You went back to Tom
You guys started to kiss
Then he stopped
You wondered why
He pulled you in for a hug
You were on top of him
He was hugging you
You were like that for around 30 seconds
You felt his heart beat
It was going really fast
You guys let go of the hug
You grabbed your phone
You grabbed the Lego set
You took a photo of Tom with it
You tagged him or your instagram story
After 10 minutes his notification alarm was going off
He looked at him phone
We went into instagram
He had gained 300 followers
You looked at you Instagram story and there were a bunch of likes
People from your story went to go follow him
Mostly girls but some guys too
After a few minutes you and Tom were messing around
He was tossing extra Lego pieces at you
You grabbed a tiny piece and threw it at him
It disappeared
"Where do it go"-Tom
"I don't know"-you
You got up
You went over to him and you were looking for it
"It's probably in your shirt
He got up and took his shirt off
He shook his shirt
It fell out
"Found it"-you
You got up and picked up the piece
You threw it at him
"Ow that actually hurt"-Tom
He said covering his chest
"Sorry sorry sorry"-you
"It's okay"-Tom
You couldn't help but look
He was well fit
"Why are you looking"-Tom
"I'm not"-you
You said walking to the other side of the bed
"Yes you were"-Tom
"No I was not"-you
"Ja, du hast mich angeguckt"-Tom
(Yea you were checking me out)
You turned around
"You wish"-you
You grabbed another Lego piece and walked back to him
"How can I wish if it already happened"-Tom
"I did not check you out"-you
On accident you looked again
You said grabbing his shirt and tossing it at him
He still hadn't put his shirt back on
You and him were laying down
You had been over at him house for around 4 hours now
He wanted you to sleep over
You agreed since you guys didn't have school the next day
You and him were talking about random things
You were laying down facing him
He was too
It went silent
He was just staring at you
He moved your hair out the way
"Your so pretty"-Tom
You got nervous
"Thank you"-you
"You know ever since the 6th grade I've always thought you were cute"-Tom
"Yea even my friends thought you were cute"-Tom
He talked about how he's always wanted to talk to you since he thought you were cute and nice but he was to scared too
"Is that why you would always stare at me in the hall way with your friends"-you
"We'll why didn't you just talk to me"-you
"Because it was so hard to get a hold of you"-Tom
It went silent
Your guys face was inches away
He leaned in
He gave you a small peck on your lips
Then he sat up
You got up
You were about to lean in again when he moved you on top of him
He still had his shirt off
You were looking at his abs since they were well defined
He slowly leaned in
It started off with small pecks back and forth
Then that turned into long kisses then into making out
That lasted a good time of 5 minutes
Your hair was getting messed up since his hand was in your hair
Your hands were on his chest
He started to kiss your neck
Then back up to your mouth
"Your the most pretty girl I've ever seen"-Tom
He said while you guys took a minute to breathe

Fanfiction"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer "Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom "You too?"-interviewer "Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...